
Maddies POV

It was obvious that Harry was still hurting when we pulled up to the hotel. And by the looks of it, he didn't look like he was going to be having a good day with all the flashes from paparazzi cameras and all the screaming fans. If the fans knew Harry wasn't feeling well they obviously would have not been screaming, but you can't help it when you're meters away from your favourite celebrity. You just have to let out a bit of excitement and I understood that perfectly.

"Let's just try to walk by as quickly as we can ok? It's better to just get it over with instead of waiting around." I suggested.

He nodded, and with his hand still resting on his tummy he got up looking a bit unsteady and walked out the car, dragging me behind with him just to make sure he didn't lose me. There was so much commotion just to even pass the fans! Hands were thrown, feet were stepped on and I was just thankful that Harry and I still had all the hair on our head.

"Let's get you two to your hotel room. I can tell it's been a long day and you're gonna need to go to the stadium to do soundcheck with the other lads soon." Harry's bodyguard, Mark said.


Harry's POV

Knowing we had a tight schedule, our rooms were set up early so that we could get ready to make our way to the stadium. Mark notified me that Zayn and Liam were at the stadium already and Louis was on his way there right now, so that would mean that Niall and I were going to be going there together in about one hour.

I really wanted to squeeze a little time for a nap in between that one hour, but I was too busy unpacking because I had to be ready to go to the reunion later on. It would be three hours after the concert which did seem like a long time, however it was actually a very short time.

Meeting some fans backstage right after the concert would take about 30 minutes, then getting into the car would take about 10 minutes in order to walk all the way to the exit, then get through big crowds. And let me not forget the actual car ride would be another thing that was the most time consuming. So basically, I'd have some time to get ready for the reunion, but not a lot.

Unfortunately, Maddie couldn't make it to soundcheck because she was going to be running a couple of errands, but she promised to be there for the concert so that she could have my full support. Through right now I had to meet Niall downstairs so we could make our way to the stadium.

"I hope you have a great soundcheck babe. And call me if you feel worse. Can't wait to see you and the boys at the concert this afternoon!" Maddie said, kissing me goodbye as I walked out of the hotel room. I'd see her soon, though it felt like soon would take forever with the way I was feeling. As Mark and I went down in the hotel elevator to meet Niall in the van, I could obviously still feel my stomach twisting.

It definitely felt like something was wrong, but I just had to be positive I wasn't getting sick. Getting sick would ruin everything that would happen today and I just really wanted the kick off day of our tour to be a blast. Mark obviously saw that I wasn't feeling too good, so he assured me that when I reached the stadium there would be a hotty awaiting me to be rested on my stomach in order to hopefully save the day.

Mark and I walked out of the elevator and I couldn't be more happier to see Niall waiting right there for me beside the car. Right as I walked over to him, I opened up my arms and gave him the largest hug ever. It was so nice to be seeing him after so many weeks. Even though all five of us basically lived together, it was hard to be away from each other because we were just so used to each others company.

As I felt Niall's body against mine, unfortunately my stomach got shaken up from the sudden force of him running into me and it made me freeze for a bit until I turned back to normal so then Niall wouldn't notice anything. At least I thought he wouldn't notice my sudden cold remark to his warm gesture. Niall pulled away from me, putting his hands on my two shoulders, and gave me a quirky confused look.

What A Good Girl {Harry Styles Sickfic}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें