Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Now that you've seen her morning life-style at home, let's see what her life-style at school is. We'll once again, have Selena start us off.

Selena's POV:

We walked into the school, and while we're walking in, I get pushed really hard, that I almost fall and have my face as a plant on the floor. Once I get my balance back, I turn around to see who pushed me, and there they are. The most popular guys at school: Nathan Sykes, Jay McGuiness, Siva Kaneswaran, Max George, and Tom Parker. I don't even know how they got popular. All I know is that their a famous boy band, which I love. Sure enough, I saw Nathan smirking. Probably because my face almost became a plant. " Oopps. Sorry Selena. My fault, " Nathan said still with that stupid smirk on his face. They all started to laugh, and walked past me, all of them bumping my shoulder. I turned back around, and walked to my lockker with Dana and Allison. I got everything I needed, then walked into homeroom: Science.

I have every single class with Nathan and the others. But anyways. When I walked in, the teacher was giving us new seats for the rest of the school year. I heard my name being called, so I went and sat in the middle seat in the middle row. Then. You will never believe what happened next. Nathan was assigned the seat to the left of me, Jay was assigned the seat to the right of me. Then she put Siva infront of me, and Max behind me. Oh, and last but not least, Tom was infront of Jay. This is going to be a fun rest of the year in Science.

*** After Science ***

Science was torture. Max kept kicking my seat THE WHOLE TIME! Nathan and Jay kept on looking at my papers. Siva kept knocking off my pen, and Tom wouldn't stop talking to Jay and Siva. When the bell rang, I basically jumped up, grabbed my stuff, and ran out of the classroom. So I was the first one that left. I went to my locker, put my science stuff away, and grabbed my gym bag, and headed to the gym. I ran into the locker room, and got into my gym clothes: black shorts with a white stripe down the side, a volleyball shirt, and tennis shoes, and I put my hair up in a pony tail. The gym teacher was changing our excercing spots for the rest of the year, and Nathan and Jay got put beside me, Max infront of Nathan, Siva behind me, and Tom infront of me. After we did warm ups, and 3 laps around the gym, wwe got put into teams for dodgeball. I got put with Allison, Dana, Chase, Adam, and some other kids, While Nathan got all of his buddies, and the other kids. Luckily, my team was bigger than his. We started to play the game, and everyone got out after like the first 20 minutes. It was just me against Nathan and his gang. It took me the rest of gym class, but I got them all out. After we changed back into our normal clothes, I ran to my locker, grabbed my Intervention papers, and went back to homeroom. I sat in my seat, and did all my work, until it was time for Math.

When I got to Math, there was a seat open in the middle of the class. It was inbetween Nathan and his gang, so I had to sit there. FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR! We passed up our homework, went over a new lesson, and did examples on the board until the first half of Math was done. I went to my locker, got my lunch, and met Allison and Dana by the girls restroom. We walked into the cafeteria, and went and sat at the only table availible. Where was that you ask? By Nathan and his gang. Lovely! Brilliant! " So. How's your day going girls? " I ask them.

" Aweome! We switched seats, and I got beside my crush! " Allison squealed.

" Mine's going awesome. Switched seats. Glad about that, " Dana replied. I've always loved Dana. She keeps everything, short, sweet, and simple.

" How about yours Selena. How's your day going? " Allison asked me.

" Peachy. Just peachy, " I replied.

" Uh-oh. It's never good when you say peachy, " Allison said, and Dana nodded.

" Yeah. What's up girly? " Dana asked. I looked to see if the gang was looking and listening. They were.

" I can't say, " I mummbled.

" Huh? What was that? " Allison asked, while I got up.

" I don't want to talk about it! " I yelled at them, and stormed out of the cafeteria, with Allison and Dana following cclose behind. I heard Nathan and the others come out laughing at something. Probably me.

" Lena. What's up? " Dana asked me again.

" Them! Nathan and his gang! That's what's wrong! The teachers are putting us all by each other! I hate it! They were making my life miserable, but now it's just that their making it more miserable! On top of that, it's Evalin! " I yelled. Which got the boys' attention, that they started to listen.

" Ok. Nathan and the others we understand, but Evalin? What's so bad about Evalin? " Allison asked.

" Evalin is making my life like I'm living down in Hell! Then you got McKayla saying ' Selena! Get me this! ' or ' Selena! Get me that! or anything that has to do with taking her stuff! " I yelled once again.

" Ok. Now. What about your other sister? " Dana asked.

" Abbey? Oh! She tries to make everything easy on me. She's nicer than bilbo and lilbo! " I yelled again.

" Your sisters don't seem that bad, " Allison said.

" Sisters?! Ha! I don't even count them as my sisters! I count them as freaking animals! They fight over every little thing they can think of to fight about! " I yelled.

" Why doesn't Evalin stop them? " Dana asked.

" Evalin does nothing! I'm always the one who breaks them up, and I'm always the one who gets hurt when I do that! I either get punched, or kicked in the stomach! " I yelled.

" Ok. Calm down Selena, " Allison said. I just stomped away, and went to my next classes, where I got put next to the people I hate most.

*** After School ***

After our last class, I basically ran out of the classroom, to my locker, and then I ran far enough from the school so that way Nathan and the others didn't get me. I ran the extra block to my house, and when I got there, I unlocked the door, and opened it. It was very quiet for a change. I walked into the kitchen to see a note on the table from Evalin.

It read:

Dear Selena. I have taken my girls out on a mini vacation. Unfortunatly, I have no chores for you to do, so you have the house all to yourself until Saturday morning. Whatever mess there is in the house, I want it cleaned. I also want the house spotless before we return on Saturday.

Oh my flipping gosh! I have the whole house to my self for 5 1/2 days. After today it's 4. But who cares!!! I'm free!!!! Until Saturday. But still. Who cares!!!!! Once I calmed down, I called Allison and Dana so that way we can have a sleepover party.

Once I was done making the phone calls to them, they both said they would be at the house in an hour, so that gives me enough time to get everything set up. This is going to be the best night EVER!!!!!

Another Cinderella Story ( COMPLETED )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora