At Least You Don't Have Amnesia - Chapter 21

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Mia's P.O.V
I fall to the floor with a bang. The teacher rushes over to me and tells Emily to help me up and take me to the nurse. Emily does what she was told and I text Ash to tell him to meet me at the nurse's office because he has a free period.
"Are you okay?" He runs towards me and picks me up in a hug.
"No." I point to my lip which is swollen and bloody.
"Well at least you don't have amnesia," Ash hugs me tighter. The nurse opens the door and tells us to go in.
"Let's get you cleaned up," the nurse says gesturing for me to sit down on the seat.
"Who was it this time?" She asks cleaning my cheeks.
"Caitlin Ambers and Daniel Preston," I say squeezing Ash's hand. He looks at me and smiles.
"Who's this?" Ash points to Emily.
"Oh, I'm Emily," Em says with a bow making me smile.
"There, you're free to go," the nurse says and opens the door for us.
"The teacher said we can go to Mr Anderson," Em says.
"Let's go," Ashton kisses my forehead and leads me to the main office. Mr Anderson sees us through the door and welcomes us in.
"Who was it?" He asks as we enter.
"Caitlin Ambers and Daniel Preston," Ash tells him.


Hey guys it's Mia. I'm back. I have some ideas including adding a chapter called "SUPERLUV". I love Shane and he never fails to make me laugh.
See ya next chapter,
Mia xx

Be Mine - Ashton Irwin Fanfic ~ COMPLETED ~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt