32: painful memories

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Trest:.... What did you bring back? A piece of trash?

The woman shivered.

Yuu: don't be so mean!!!

Shinoa: she's a forced made human vampire.

Trest: er so?

Mika: we hope that maybe you can reverse it.

Trest: hahaha... Don't be stupid. I can't reverse it like I can't revive a dead whose soul is already dispersed. If I can do that, becoming a human vampire wouldn't be something a human would regret of hate becoming one.

Yuu: you haven't tried!!! How would you know?!!!

Trest's face blackens and grabs yuu's collar " you don't know anything. " he threw yuu to the wall " I'll tell you now. It's not possible. I've tried. That woman there can die for all I care. "

Renyi comes in " stop it. "

Trest: nii-san. Hmph.

Trest leaves the room and renyi walks over extending his arm to yuu " daijobu? " Yuu nods and grabs his arm standing.

Mika: what happened?

Renyi: trest... Fell in love with a human.

Shinoa: that's unexpected.

Flashback ~

He was curious about humans. So he made a trip to earth where my mitsuki was staying time to time. He needed a someone who was willing to give away his life.

He found her. A woman named therese. She was a beggar in rags. She would do anything to get food. He gave her food and operated on her.

Weirdly... She grew on him and so did he on her. One day,she asked him...

Therese: trest... What if I become old? I'm a human and you're a vampire. You don't really age like me.

He cupped her cheek " I'll be by your side. Forever. I'm a vampire so I can dwell many days on that than you. "

Therese: what if...people laugh at us?

Trest: its not my business.

Therese: what if... Somebody tries to take you away?

Trest: I'll kill whoever that is and still come back to you *kisses forehead *

She couldn't stand the fact she was going to turn ugly and die one day. She wanted to be the prettiest for him. Or at least... She wanted to turn old with him. So she requested...

I want to be a vampire trest. Your vampire.

Trest hesitated. He knew how boring that was. He didn't want her to go through that. But again... If he had a an accompany... He might not be boring. So he agreed.

They were happy for a period of time.

Then... The day therese met her family came .She was happy. Everything was perfect for her at that time. Family. Love.

Until they accidentally saw her drinking blood off another human. They were disgusted. They didn't want her anymore.

She couldn't cope with that fact. Her beautiful dream was going to shatter. She begged trest to turn him back. She cried " turn me back. Please. I won't leave you. I just... Want... Them to accept me... "

He couldn't make it. There was no way. He lied. Dragged. But it couldn't drag for long... Therese killed herself feeling alienated from her family.

End of flashback ~

Renyi: mitsuki hesitated a lot when she made people vampires. Unless they had a full reason. Alienation... Is not something everyone can carry.

Yuu: renyi... You're actually a really nice guy.

Renyi: don't think of me that way. It will be your biggest mistake.

Shinoa: eh... Is that so?

Renyi turns to leave " trust me. Or maybe not... Mitsuki didn't choose me because I'm a nice guy.That being said, would you like to join us? Missy?"

Renyi grabs onto trest's collar " what was it you gave her? "

Trest: woah. What's that big fire for?

Renyi: she's not having sex with me!!!!

Trest: oh... That's why. And I thought what.

The door opened and mitsuki saw renyi over trest on the bed pinning him down with his hands on trest's collar " erm... Gomenasai. " she closes the door.

Trest: hahaha...

Renyi: tsuki tsuki its not like that!!!

She opens the door and peeps " gomenasai. " He immediately gets off and opens the door " don't go. What's the matter? "

Mitsuki: *cries * ren ren is gay.

Renyi: gomen gomen!!! It's not like that!! I swear!!!

Trest: yea. He was all... She's not having sex with me!!

Renyi: urusei!!!

Mitsuki:...... So you went... To him? -_-

Renyi: like I said it's not like that!!! Stop teasing me... Tsuki tsuki. It's your fault... You didn't want to do it with me...

Trest: she injected a hormone reducing drug. It calms her down and not to make rash emotional decisions.

Renyi: *geee* how can you even give such a drug to my tsuki tsuki. What happens to my pleasure?

Trest: asshole.

Renyi: selfish.

Trest: I have nothing I want from her!!

Renyi: yea yea keep saying that hentai.

Trest: korosu yo. *anime vein*

Renyi: so? Why did my kawaii tsuki tsuki come looking for me?

Mistuki: I'm planning to fight back while they're still increasing their forces. They're not ready and its the best time to reduce them.

Renyi: alright then. Anything you want.

" ok. " she leaves. Renyi closes the door " did she request for the drug? "

Trest: ah. She didn't want to break that stupid promise again.

Flashback ~

Mitsuki: ren ren... Must you go?

Renyi patted her head " I have to. Your grandfather already passed an order. " She hugged him " I don't want to be separated from you... What if... What if... I don't get to see you again? We've never separated since we were together... "

Renyi: you have to go battle too isn't it?

Mitsuki:..... Mmmmm.... Then I won't go. I'll go with you to your side!!!

Renyi: don't be wilful.

Mistuki: then promise me!! Promise me.... I'm your only woman!!

Renyi: hahaha... What are you talking about? I'm going to war. Alright. Then you promise me too.

Mitsuki: hm?

Renyi: you and I will have our own. Our first.

Mitsuki: *blush * eh... Ren ren... What are you talking about... We did it already...

Renyi: not that idiot. I mean our baby. And only have it with me.

Mitsuki: ren ren!!!

Renyi: what? You made your own selfish condition.

Mitsuki: not that... Just... Don't say these kind of things...

Renyi: hahaha... Are you embarrassed? Kawaii.

End of flashback ~

Renyi: tsuki tsuki... We made many promises... But that wasn't the one I was serious about...

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