~Chapter One~

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Okay, deep breaths, deep breaths... Look, there's not as many people as last night... About, what, 80?... Yeah... Yeah, that seems about right...

It was almost time to cue my first actor on the right wing of the stage. I patiently listened for the director to finish her speech, while I looked through the prop bag to make sure everything was in order. As I bent down, I knew everything was there, but sometimes I'm just so awkward when around people that I pretend I'm too busy to make a conversation with them. I pushed my hair behind my ears as I tried to look professional, while humming at the prop bag.

"Now, without further ado. Please enjoy Beech Street Theatre's production... 'Serum For Murder'"

I heard the audience clap, as well as a few howls of excitement from a group of young teens... Yup, my boyfriend, Bruce, and his gang were there. As well as my brother, Steven, which was nice considering he rarely ever cares for my productions.

Bruce is very pale with dark brown eyes and always wears complete black. He reminds me of a Tim Burton character to be honest. On the other hand, my brother looked like me. Hazel eyes, tanned skin, and dirty blonde hair.

When I peeked through the little blanket we had hanging in the right wing, I noticed Steven give Bruce a look of disapproval. I tell you, he just doesn't like him, but what do I care, I'm still going to date him.

I lifted my finger and pointed to the stage, indicating for my actor to go on. To be fair, the stage wasn't even a... Stage. This company, for all I knew, was just a community thing, that borrows/rents people's properties when performing a production. This time, it was on the porch of a museum. The 'Bowmanville Museum' to be exact, and may I say... It was perfect.

I giggled a bit when I realized just how nervous I was.

It's because there are people that you actually know in the audience. That's why...*Groan*... Really, Kat... Really?

At least I knew that I didn't have to perform!

I curse my tongue...

The next thing I knew, our messenger for the play, was gone. Had to attend something very important, he said... So here I am! The understudy.

Oh, I forgot to mention my lovely assistant, Maria. Since I'm the stage manager of the entire production, I need a little bit of help, but honestly she was just dead weight. I had to constantly remind her, day and night of her responsibilities. Which was rather ironic, considering she's in University, and I'm only in High School.

Maria is in charge of all the props, as well as to cue actors from the left wing of the stage, which of course she wasn't good at. None of the actors were very found of her either.

Since I had to be the messenger, and the character had to enter on the left wing, Maria was supposed to cue me on. I didn't bother to wait, so I went on myself which I could tell made her a bit mad.

"Excuse me, but I have a letter addressed to Mr. Grey. Where might I find him?"

I know, it wasn't a big part at all, but it had to be done, for if the letter hadn't been delivered, the characters would've never found out who was the main reason of the five deaths, why they did it, who did they frame, what is this serum?!... *Ahem*... You get the picture.

When I got off stage, Maria tried to have a word with me, but I shook my head and pointed at my watch.

"Can't talk, I have responsibilities to attend to, and so do you"

Oh man, was it funny.

Before I knew it, the production was over, so we (the cast and crew) were going to head to a pub to celebrate our many months of hard work.

I was starting to drag the heavy props into the shed in the very back, when suddenly I get pushed to the ground. I turn around quickly to look up, and see Bruce.

"Hey babe, nice job in the production"

Bruce helped me up as he congratulated me. I smiled and gave him a push back, for revenge.

"Geez, thanks Bruce"

I sarcastically replied to him as I looked down to brush off my clothes. When I looked up at his face again, I couldn't help but notice that he looked uneasy.

"Hey, are you okay?"

I looked at him with concern as he answered me in a very rushed tone.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Is your brother here?"

I gave him a puzzled look.

"Yeah, he is actually. Why? Didn't you see him sitting behind you in the audience?"

I saw Bruce start to get really nervous... It almost looked like he was sweating.

"N-No, I didn't... We should leave"

He grabbed my hand and started to guide me to his car. I couldn't help but feel a little worried...

Maybe he got into trouble with the police again?... If so... Why is he anxious about Steven? He well knows that he doesn't like him, but he's just taking action about it now?...

"W-Wait, what's going on? Bruce?"

He ignored my comment, as he started to walk a bit faster and tighten his grip on my hand. I winced a bit in pain, as I started to freak out. So many thoughts raced through my brain.

Then out of no where...

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