Carnival Games and Hand Holding

Start from the beginning

"Wow I really need to get some exercise more often." I said out loud.

Then Harry ran up to me.

"Hey Jen, uh we were all going to go on some more rides, want to come?" He asked with a questioning look on his face.

"Yeah, sure, I guess." I mumbled. I really did not want to go on any other rides anytime soon.

"Ok, let's go." Harry led me over to the others and we all walked towards a ride that spun you around really fast and went upside down. It was crazy!

"Woohoo! This one next!" Louis (I think that was his name) yelled. A chorus of cheers followed as everyone marched towards the ride.

I stayed back and clenched my stomach. It was already disagreeing with me going on this ride.

"Are you alright?" Harry said, startling me. I hadn't realized that he stayed back with me.

"Actually, I'm feeling a little sick." I answered truthfully.

"K then we're not going on." He said simply.

"What? Why?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Because you don't want to. I can tell. That's all you had to say, we aren't going to force you to do something you don't want to." He answered.

"But what about you? Don't you want to go on?" I asked, looking up into his eyes.

"Yeah, but you can't stay down here alone so I'll stay with you, I really don't mind. I have been on this ride a hundred times already anyways." He said with a reassuring smile.

"Thanks Harry." I smile and give him a big hug. I nestle my head into his chest and squeeze him tight. He chuckled at me and when we release, we share a warm smile.

Suddenly, Brianna came running up to us.

"Hey, are you two coming or not?" She asked, pointing towards the terrifying ride.

"Nah, we are gonna go find another one to go on," Harry said to her and a look of disappointment washed over her face.

"Oh, alright." She said without question. She then turned and walked towards the others.

"We'll meet you at the entrance at 10:00!" Harry yelled to her and she gave him a thumbs up to acknowledge that she had heard him.

"So, what are we going to do?" I asked as soon as Brianna was out of sight.

"Wanna play some games?" Harry asked with a shrug.

"Sure!" I exclaimed.

"Haha okay." He smiled.

We walked around until I saw a game that I wanted to play. It was a basketball shooting game.

"Can we try this one?" I asked as I turned to look at Harry.

"Of course. After you." Harry said polity, motioning for me to go up to the tiny booth.

"Hello!" The man who worked at the booth exclaimed a little too enthusiastically as I walked up to him.

"Hi," Harry answered. "Can she get 5 shots please?"

"Yes sir, that's five dollars please." The man said.

Harry payed the cheery man and he handed me a ball.

"Here you go!" He said as he handed it to me.

"Thank you." I said to him.

I looked at the basket and took a deep breath. 'I can do this' I kept reminding myself. I lined up my shot and released the ball, ending in a perfect follow through.

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