vii // spoon

89 14 3

December 10, 2014
9:00pm, Sunday

Laura is sitting on the couch in the living room, laptop on her lap, doing homeworks (which consist of a lot of photographs she'd taken last Friday (or what they called plates) and essays for her communication arts class). She would frown, pushes the eye glasses further on her nose bridge and redo her bun whenever it gets messy and strays of her hair gets out of the bun, normal happenings when she's in a deep concentration.

Louis though, is watching football sitting on the other side of the couch, opposite of where Laura is. Normally, they were all cuddled up and inseparable when they're both in their apartment together but this time, they look completely different from it.

After hours and hours of Laura trying to explain and apologize to Louis, she finally gave up, knowing that Louis will ignore her 'til next day. While Louis, is now feeling guilty about what he did. He knows it was him acting so immature and over. He would steal glances over the girl's side minute by minute, checking if she was okay, which indeed; she is, because she's only like sitting there, doing no harmful things or if there was a good time to talk to her. But he knew that'd be impossible. He started this game so he would never back away from it. He knows that from this point, his pride is eating him now.

"I'll sleep"

He tried. He secretly watches his girlfriend from the corner of his eyes if she reacted or not. But sadly, she didn't. She was too occupied with her photographs to even notice that Louis ACTUALLY DID talked to him, indirectly. So Louis stands up from the couch before turning off the TV. But before going up their room upstairs, he made sure that the anti-asthma pill is placed on the kitchen counter where Laura can easily see it. A little gesture to let Laura know that he still cares about her even with no good night kisses.

Louis can't actually sleep. He keeps on tossing around the bed, secretly smelling Laura's pillow in hopes to smell her shampoo scent which smells exactly like her, and maybe, maybe will help him calm and fall asleep, as stupidly cliché as it sounds. He misses something to hug and cuddle with at night, he seriously misses Laura. Even if she's only downstairs, 15 stairs and 2 doors that make them apart, she still feels so far away from him.

3 hours and he still haven't gotten sleep yet. So he decided to do the right thing. To talk to Laura.

He kicked the duvet from his body and stands up, making his way out of the room and downstairs to where Laura is. When he got to the living room, the lights are still on, still the same as how he left. The couch is facing away from the doorway so he couldn't see what Laura is doing from where he is standing aside from her head leaning loosely to her side, looking like she's fallen asleep already, which, she is.

Laura absentmindedly fell asleep, leaving the laptop's screen open with the photo of her and Louis on it. The one where they were lying in bed, Laura on her side also the camera, and then Louis spooning her, cheeks pressed against each other. But it was actually a pretty funny image: Louis' eyes were wide and his mouth is wide open screaming wildly that time which made Laura laugh, catching them both in those poses before Louis would grin down at her as he kisses her on her cheek. Both wearing white, and white duvet and pillows, which made the photo more cozy and with class. That was one of Laura's favorites, a candid one. So natural and they both look so happy.

Louis only pictures how Laura stares at that photo the whole night, until she fell asleep. He feels so much guilty about this. He couldn't get the picture out of his head that makes him mad at himself even more. Giving him the thought of making his girl suffer on the insides.

So he did what he only thinks will make things work out. He went upstairs to get their blanket and pillows and went back to where Laura is. He turns off the laptop - but not without saving the whole photoshop stuffs and Microsoft, just pressing the keys ctrl and s, just what Laura taught him before staring at their photo for good 30 seconds - and carefully lays Laura on the couch (trying not to wake her up) and managing to remove her glasses and laying himself next to her, giving her the spoon, just like what's on their photo before covering them both under the blanket. This obviously worked out because in only a matter of seconds, Louis easily fell asleep beside his love of his life.

• • •

well this is cute. Vote, Comment, Share bc the boys are having a break now and idk if that makes sense

ily. L

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