Chapter 8-My Life has Turned Into A Horror Movie

Start from the beginning

Ughhhhh who is calling me this late at night. I check my phone to see that it's 8:30 and that Kayla is calling. I guess I better answer it otherwise she will be pissed.

"Hello?" I answer groggily

"Drew?, oh thank god! I am so worried, Claire didn't come home last night and I know she was with you at the wedding so are you umm... With her right now?" She asks and I am really scared right now.

"What do you mean she hasn't come home last night?!"

"I mean she's not in her bed and last time I saw her she was with you".

"Well she's not with me, last night she said that she had to leave because she is late for curfew and I asked her if she wanted a ride but she declined and said that she would walk". I explain and I can hear Mary framing out in the background.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN? YOU LET HER WALK.ALONE. AT NIGHT. BY HERSELF?!, you stupid stupid boy!" Then she starts cursing some more and I hear Mary grab the phone and I can notice by her tone that she is worried.


"Yes Mary?"

"I know this is a bad question to ask and right now is not the time to ask this but do you think someone -I can hear her swallowing- took her?"

I think hard and then I remember everything with Jermey, all the threats and then the thing with Jake "oh no this is all my fault how could I do this to her?!" I basically face palm myself and pace back and fourth because I don't know what to do.

"Andrew, Andrew listen to me, this is none of your fault. We are going to find her, it may take some time but we will find her" I can hear the tears in her voice. I can also hear slamming in the background. I can hear Kayla screaming profanities at me through the phone.

"Um Andrew, I have to go if you hear anything call me"

"Okay, Mary. Everything is going to be alright, we will find her" I say

"Okay goodbye Andrew" she hangs up the phone and I throw it across the room.

This is all my fault, how could I let her walk in the dark all alone? She is going to be okay. She has to be. Jermey will keep her alive if it means using her as leverage to get his money.

So what do I do, the unthinkable. I call the Devil himself. It rings once and he answers.

"Drew, what a pleasure! Do you have my money yet?"

"Yes I have it right here" I lied.

"Okay then. As you may know I have your friend Claire here with us. Say hi Claire -

"Drew don't listen to him! It's a trap if anything happens to me, I want you to know that it's not your fault and that I love you! And-

"Okay that's enough Claire. So my dear friend where shall we meet so I can get my money?"

"We shall meet in the old abandoned park. Under one condition".

He laughs. "And what might that be?"

"You bring Claire and let her go first and after I give you the money, you have to leave all of us alone. For good" I say feeling confident that I stood up to him.

"Fine but if this is a trick or you pull any pranks on me, the girl dies"

"Okay tonight at midnight. The old abandoned park. See you there". And I hang up.

Oh god what have I gotten myself into?

What if he hurts her? I will never be able to forgive myself.

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