Gabby dyed the her hair magenta/purple (her natrual hair color is black)

Taylor dyed her hair light blue (her hair is naturally dark brown)

Alex dyed her hair greenish blue (her nartual hair color is light brown as well)

We all got our hair rinsed and then blow dried. We brushed our hair and fixed it the way we liked it then walked out to the guys.

All of them were on their phone so I was cleared my throat to get their attention.

They all looked up and shocked.

"Does it look bad?" Gabby asked walking to Michael.

"Babe you look... fucking hot." Michael said to Gabby and she blushed

Alex walked to Calum, Taylor walked to Luke, and I walked to Ashton

Alex's P.O.V

"You look amazing. Like. Just wow. I love It." He said playing with my hair and I smiled.

"I got a color I thought you would like in my hair."

"You could have gotten any color and I still would have said you looked amazing. Either way you are." He said and I kissed him

Taylor's P.O.V

I walked over to Luke and he put his hands on my hips and I put my hands on his shoulders. I looked down at him and he smirked.

"So what do you think."

"I think. I should get laid tonight." He said and I laughed

"I'm guessing that means it looks good."

"Yesss." He said then attacked me with kisses.

Liel's P.O.V

"Soooo?" I flipped my hair and giggled "whatcha think?" I asked and he bit his lip

"You look. Fucking great. No words can describe how amazing I think you look." He said and I looked down smiling

He leaned my head up and kissed me.

"Guys we need to get ready for the concert now you know? You can stop kissing!!!" Michael said and everyone laughed other then Ashton and I. We were blushing

-In the car


"You guys are going to kill my ear drums!" Calum shouted over the music then curled up into a ball.

We all quiet down and got on our phones.

The girls group chat-

L- calum is a babyyyy

A- he is my baby

T- of course *makes kissy noises*

A- stfu

G- calm down young ones

A- im your age bish

T- ooo she told you *snaps*

L- what's wrong with us. We are odd girls xD I don't know how ashton finds me attractive

T- how luke finds me attractive

A- how calum finds me attractive

G- I know Michael finds me attractive ;)

L- *wiggles eyebrows*

A- hehehe

T- ;)

G- ?????

Gabby looked up at us girls confused and I just shrugged.

I can't wait for Michael to give the promise rings. Awwhhh♡♡

-The Concert
We were all backstage and the boys were about to come on stage.

The count down was at 20 and Luke was freaking out

"Babe calm down. You will do fine." Taylor said kissing him

"Like I said, I better get laid after this." He laughed and taylor rolled her eyes smiling

"Man slut." Gabby said to him and everyone laughed

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 ,3 , 2, 1

The countdown ended and I kissed Ashton

Luke started strumming some keys on his guitar and ashton said,

"That's my cue." then ran on stage to his drums.

All the girls including me ran to our seats and watched as Ashton started drumming.

-57 minutes later

It was time for Michael to pick 'someone' to get on stage. He nodded to the rest of the boys as he walked close to were gabby was standing.

"Would you like to come on stage miss?" He asked and she laughed and nodded pushing through the croud of fangirls and running up the stage stairs.

When she stood where michael was he took his guitar off and set it on the ground. She looked a little confused then the lights went out.

All the fans new this was going to happen so they cheered.

Gabby's P.O.V
Michael called me on stage so I ran up the stairs. When I got to him he put his guitar down on the stage and the lights went out.

What's going on?

All I saw before the lights went out were the girls smiling.

Out of no where Ashton, Luke and Calum started singing The Only Reason faintly.

The a spot light flashed on me and Michael and I looked down to see michael holding a black box.

Is he proposing? Oh my god.

I cupped my hands on my mouth as tears of joy brimmed in my eyes.

He opened a small box and a ring with thar said promise top was held inside it. He put the microphone to his mouth and spoke with a smile on his face.

"Gabby Thomas. Will you promise to stay with me. Be mine till you see a diamond ring on your finger. Be mine forever?"

He handed me the microphone and I spoke.

"Its about time you asked." I said while laughing and he opened his ready for me to jump into them.

"Yes I will Michael Clifford. Yes I will."
Done :( that's the end. I'm so sad that that's all but I loved the way I ended It. If you liked it then vote! Maybe I will make a sequel who knows?

My next book:
My nexy book is called 8/8 . The first chapter is going to come out today! so make sure you follow so you can read!♡

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