The Activities Fair

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I decided to check out the activities fair with Kimmy-Jin, not knowing she was welcomed at the Korean Student Assn where I was clearly not. So I just wondered around admiring the Quidditch team and plethora of flyers that were stuffed into my hands from each booth. Then finally, I saw something that I would enjoy: Barden DJs. But I was disappointed when I found out DJ stands for Deaf Jews around here. I did meet a fairly interesting girl at the booth though; I didn't catch her name but hell, she was funny. I think she ended up giving the deaf Jews her number which was amusing. I wondered around, helplessly looking for something, anything that wouldn't be torture to join. There it was - my shining beacon of hope in the sea of sorrows that was Barden University: I could get an internship at the radio station. Fuck yeah, that's where I belonged.

On my way back to my dorm, I passed a few more booths, including one with two girls advertising a lot of flyers to everyone. One was tall with silky blonde hair; she was wearing a flattering pink dress. But Jesus, did she look uptight. I could only see the shorter girl from behind as she was talking to a passerby. Then she turned around as I walked up to the booth. God almighty, if I hadn't been surrounded by a crowd of judgemental people, I think I would have jumped her there and then. But I swore I felt my jaw drop. She had beautiful red locks which sat comfortably on her shoulders, luscious red lips and a killer smile. But what topped it off was her mesmerising blue eyes. As she saw me looking at her, she battered her eyelashes and glanced down at the flyer, holding it out in her hand: "Hi, would you like to join the Barden Bellas?"

"Yes!" I think I almost yelled it at her actually. She kind of giggled and I guess that reeled me back into reality. "I- so.. So this is actually a thing now?" I glanced up at the booth's heading: 'The Barden Bellas: All female A Capella group.' "Of course! Now, there's the Bellas -that's us- we're the tits..."

'The tits?' I thought to myself, trying not to glance at hers.

"...the BU Harmonics," she said looking over to a very proper group of people who looked as though they just came back from a golf club resort or something. "The High Notes, they aren't very- enthusiastic," I heard the hesitation in her voice as her eyes shifted to a group of people lying upon the grass under a tree. "...and the Treble Makers," she sighed. They were obviously an all boy A Capella group; they were actually singing. No, I'm not kidding. They were singing in public. "Um, sorry but this is kind of lame..."

"Aca-scuse me?" The blonde turned to me in shock. Uh, did they have some sort of language I didn't know about?

"Singing a Mariah Carey chart-topper with a group of strong, independent woman to take out the title of A Capella champions at the ICCA's against big headed egotistical garbage dicks," she paused to take a breath, I'm serious, "is not lame, you bitch!" Now, was that really necessary? I didn't like this girl, not one bit. The red-haired girl intervened before I could say anything in reply: "What Aubrey meant to say was that we are a tight nipped group of ladies who strive to win against our competition and only wish to win this year. Help us turn our dreams into reality?" She battered her eyelashes again. Jesus. She was killing me but I could never have worked with that Aubrey girl. "I'm sorry, I don't even sing.." The look of sheer disappointment spread across her face. I felt like I ran over someone's puppy and had just confronted them about it. I took the flyer anyway; if the radio internship didn't work out, or something else happened (wink wink), maybe I could consider it.

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