Barden University

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It was time for a change. But since my dad wouldn't let me move to L.A to pursue my music career, I was dumped on the doorstep of Barden University in hope that it would convince him otherwise. I wasn't looking forward to my time here; if my own dad didn't understand me, I doubted anyone would. I'm just glad I got away from Sheela. Dad remarried after splitting with my mum; I haven't truly forgiven him for that and I don't see what he sees in her.

As the taxi pulled up on the curb, I removed my headphones from my ears and was shot back to reality as I disconnected from my tunes. I opened my door to see a car pull up on the other side of the road: a tall, brunette boy sat in the back seat. He turned to me, singing the song that was playing on the radio, and I gave him a funny look. But before long, the sky began to darken and rain poured down. The boy looked disappointed as I quickly rushed to the back of the cab to collect my bags. "I got it," I didn't want anyone but me handling my DJ gear. Yep, I'm a DJ. And a pretty damn good one at that. That's what I want to do with my life.

Making my way to my dorm was easy enough; except for the fact that I was stopped in the pouring rain by a campus pain-in-the-ass. She was perky, bright and fucking irritating. In other words, she was the kind of girl I didn't like. And now I have an official BU rape whistle. "Don't blow it unless it's actually happening!" Ugh it's disturbing.

Anyways, my roommate could have been worse. She was an Asian mute or something and her name was Kimmy-Jin. At least she wasn't loud and annoying right? So I walked into our room for the first time and she was sitting there on her side of the room looking all neat and perfect; that's when I knew this wasn't going to be a smooth ride. "You must be Kimmy-Jin?" I asked as friendly as I possibly could. No answer. All I got was a sickening glare so I decided to try again. This time subtly insulting her, I think: "No English?" I asked yet still no reply, "yes English?" Now this was getting ridiculous! "Just tell me where you're at with English.." Okay seriously, what the fuck was her problem? I gave up and decided to start setting up my gear. Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, I heard a familiar voice at the door: "Campus police! Hide your wine coolers!" Jesus Christ this was not happening. The door opened: "It's just your dad, making a funny.." He said as his head popped into the room. "Chris Rock everybody..." I whispered under my breath. Kimmy-Jin's face was priceless though. Dad came to reassure me about college by telling me about studying on the grass (like I cared) but before he did, he was a bit puzzled as to how I even got to college. You see, as I mentioned before, I didn't like his new partner. So I decided to get a cab instead of having to confront her. I decided to try something out: "I took a cab," I replied after he asked how I got here, "didn't want to inconvenience you and Sheela. How is the step-monster?" BAM. That felt awesome. But then dad got the wrong idea; I didn't actually care, I just wanted to say step-monster. The most frustrating thing was that he didn't understand my passion for music or DJing. He didn't understand me at all. We went through our usual conversation about me going to L.A but this time was kind of different. He offered to help me move to L.A if I stayed at college for a year. I guess it was a pretty good deal though so I agreed.

Then it was time for the activities fair. Ugh.

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