Ruins of a Teenage Underground (Chapter 5)

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I don't know what I expected to happen when I knocked on the door, but I sure didnt expect that the girl who opened it would take one look at me and then immediately slam it again. The large oak door flew towards me, almost closing on my toes. I stood eye to eye with a massive brass door knocker in the shape of a lions head, and clenched my teeth.

Personally, I was pissed. I liked to give people a reason to dislike me before they went ahead and slammed doors in my face.

I brought my fist up to knock again. My pounding grew louder and more violent with every minute she ignored me, and eventually I resorted to kicking the door repeatedly to emphasize just how angry I was at her shenanigans.

"God, shut up." a voice screeched from the other side a few minutes later, and the door swung open again to reveal the same girl as before, only now she was ten times as angry. Good. I was angry too.

"About time." I huffed, immediately regretting it when I saw her face. Her dark eyes narrowed, and her blood red lips twisted into a snarl. I felt like I'd made a huge mistake.

"What do you want?"

"This is Renegade House, right?"

"That's really none of your business."

Wow. Turner had been way off by taking me here. I had a feeling that this place would actually make my situation worse if anything, especially if all the other people inside were anything like this girl.

"You're such a dick, Knox. Just let her in, you're pissing me off." a deep voice snapped from behind her, and she paled, letting me pass even though it was obvious she didn't want to.

I walked past her slowly, feeling intimidated when I realized I only came up to her shoulder. She had to be at least 6 foot 2, and her dark purple hair was pulled back in such a tight ponytail that it made me cringe. That could not have been comfortable.

Looking around, I tried to catch a glimpse of the guy who was responsible for getting me in, but all I saw was a flash of white hair as he disappeared around the corner, leaving me alone with Knox. It was an unpleasant situation to be in.

"Who's he?" I asked, nodding at the corner that the guy had disappeared around. Knox stared me down as if willing me to catch on fire. I stared back, watching her fingers as they pulled angrily at a loose thread that was hanging from her scarf. It was wrapped so tightly around her neck that I was surprised she could even breathe.

"My boyfriend." she said, in a tone that suggested I should never bring it up ever again if I valued having limbs that were attached to my body. Then, her voice changed a little as she said, "Pierce, go find Sam. Bring him here."

I jumped as a guy appeared from seemingly nowhere, making no noise at all as he moved. I'd thought that Knox was tall, but this guy was a skyscraper with green eyes. He watched me with an unreadable expression as he slid out of the room, turning noiselessly down the hallway and out of sight. Was everyone here either super weird or super mean?

"You're allowed to sit while you wait." Knox said through clenched teeth, as if she really wished she hadn't been the one to open the door and get stuck with me.

"Thanks for the permission." I told her sweetly, slumping into a nearby arm chair. It then occurred to me that the entire foyer was filled with chairs of all different shapes and sizes. They were all arranged in a loose semi circle so that they faced a Romeo and Juliet style balcony at the top of the massive double staircase, and I realized this must be their meeting room. If there was this many chairs here, then there must have been hundreds of people staying here. Either that, or they just had a really impressive collection of ugly chairs.

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