Chapter One

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Growing up in a small catholic town wasn't always easy. The kids were forced into the religion. Everyone was expected to be perfect.

The most powerful person was the priest. He took the place of the mayor. People believed that only the priest knew what was best. Young or old.

And for two years now, he has been young. The last one had died from cancer and his son took over. Harry styles.

The young men of only 25 years was beautiful. Every women and teenage girl wanted a piece of him. But he had married a year ago and divorce was out of the question. So all people could do was admire the men in silence.

And that was what Niall did. The 16 year old was a model Christian his whole life. He followed every rule in the bible and in school. He had amazing grades and always helped others when he could. People loved and looked up to him.

Niall walked in the church hand in hand with his girlfriend, Melissa. She was the typical Christian girl really. She was beautiful with long blonde hair and blue eyes. She helped with every charity events in town, with Niall of course. And like the perfect girl she was, they never went further then kissing. They had to wait until marriage to do that.

They smiled and greeted everyone, Niall's parents following behind. Everyone wanted to have a word with the perfect teenage Christian couple.

Niall won't lie, he found it annoying sometimes. So many people looking up to him and expecting him to make the best decisions. Sometimes, he just wanted to do something a little crazy.

Melissa pulled Niall to a seat near the front. He didn't mind. He would be able to hear better. And of course, see better.

Everyone sat down and the priest took his place in front. Niall smiled slightly when he saw the men. He spoke slowly with a slightly raspy voice. It was beautiful really.

Niall watched him the whole time. Even when it was finished, Niall watched as he walked over to his wife. His eyes just couldn't leave the men.

Melissa pulled her boyfriend to where a few people were chatting. She was social and wanted to talk to everyone. But Niall just wanted to talk to Harry.

Harry walked around with his wife, thanking everyone for coming.  It soon came Niall's turn. Harry arrived at their small group with a smile.

"Hello. I hope you had a good time here today." Niall couldn't help but smile at him and nod. He didn't know what else to say really.

Everyone responded, making Harry notice the speechless boy. His green eyes connected with Niall's blue ones. Niall's breath got stuck in his throat, scared that he got caught staring. But Harry simply smiled at the young boy.

"Niall, right?" Harry asked. Niall swallowed and nodded. "I have heard about you. A perfect Christian boy, aren't you?"

"I do my best." Niall responded with a smile. "We need more people like you in this world. Keep up the good work." Niall nodded.

Harry nodded towards the rest of the group, sending Niall one last smile and walked to the next group.

Melissa grabbed Niall's arm. "Isn't he just so polite? We're so lucky to have him as our priest."  Niall looked where Harry had left. He was caught off guard when he saw Harry staring at him already.

They stared at each other for a few seconds. But Niall then jumped with wide eyes when someone put there hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see Louis, his best friend. The brown haired boy smiled. "Did I scare you?"

Niall frowned and nodded. "Good." Louis was far from a perfect Christian boy. He only went a little crazy sometimes. It was nothing too bad but it always made the boys parents go mental.

Last week, he went to a small party out of town where they had alcohol. His parents found out when pictures of the party and Louis were put on Facebook. He got grounded. They took his car, his phone and his computer for two weeks. Also, he could only see Niall out of all his friends. Because apparently Niall will show him the right way.

But honestly, Niall looked up to Louis. He was actually living life. Niall wanted to do it so badly too but never had the guts to.

So you could say that Louis wasn't all that perfect for a Christian.

Niall shrugged. "No problem. You came here with your parents?" He asked. Louis nodded. "I had to finish a project for school but my parents insisted on the fact that religion came first. Goddamn wankers."

People's heads turned at the words leaving his mouth. Louis just brushed it off.  "I really just want to get out of this town."

And So did Niall. He would never admit it to anyone. He kept that fact to himself. He had planned on moving away after school and go somewhere more accepting. Somewhere he could be gay and proud.

Yes, Niall was gay. And no, no one knew. No one except Louis of course, who turned out to be gay too.

Of course, with the two best friends being gay in a Christian town, they experienced many things together. If they didn't do it together, they would have waited for ever.

Though, they felt nothing more then friendship towards each other.

Niall really liked Melissa too. But as a friend. Sadly, he was stuck with having her as his girlfriend. Not that she was annoying or anything. He just didn't feel anything when they kissed.

Louis smirked at Niall and bent down to whisper in his ear. "Can you get rid of Melissa? I need some release."

Niall rolled his eyes at him when he pulled away. He then turned to Melissa with a small smile. "I have to go help Louis on a school project. I'll see you later?"

Now, that was the best excuse he had even found. Especially since people knew he had a project to do for real.

Melissa nodded and he kissed her cheek before walking off with Louis. He turned one last time before leaving to see Harry still watching him.

And he loved his attention.

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