
582 39 2

JULY 18TH, 2010

The clock's minuscule hand gently rests on the number eight, setting off a pealing tone. Little does this clock know, the lonely boy has been awake since five in the morning.

He gets out of bed with appetency, an outward emotion of giddiness swathing his body and facial features as he prepares himself in a tidy manner.

With a mature skip in his step, he's dressed, ready, and out the door. His foot touches the first step, the heart sitting inside him gleaming hopefully. His teeth were brushed, his hair still sprawled all over his small head no matter how many times he'd try to control it. 

Two steps out, butterflies arise.

Three steps afar, anxiety doesn't die.

Four steps away, his heart is flying in and around his chest.

He puts on a brave face, strutting over to King Street, a good four or five blocks away from his neat home.

Deep breaths oscillate the icy air in obscure clouds, coming from the tense boy until he's almost completely stertorous at the sight of a cerise door.

I'm here, he thinks to himself as he climbs the steps, just one at a time.

At the second step, anticipation nips at his pale skin.

At the third one, he's almost in.

Finally to four, and he's awake.

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