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A little over a year has past and a lot has happened! Sam and Eddie are engaged they are living together in a home in London. Nick has talked to Sam a few times when he found out she was pregnant just to make sure the baby wasn't his. It was nicks baby it had his curls and Had Sam's dimples its name is alexander. It didn't matter that the baby wasn't Eddie's. He still loved it as much as he would if it was his. Nick comes and sees alex once a week and every other weekend. It can be hard for Sam some times but she has Eddie.

Now instead of going to do shows 8 times a week Samantha barks is a stay at home mom with her son she loves more then anything and a soon to be husband that kept to his promise he has loved her everyday and never has hurt her and he never will.

Days past months past even years past when her son is 18 everyday her and Eddie are still together and have never hurt each other. She did eventually go back to work and her and Eddie did get married. Everything she could have wanted happened

DefectiveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora