Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Shit!" She said as she jumped out of the bed. She kept thinking to herself that it couldn't have happen that there was no way she would have slept with Eddie! But she did he was laying in her bed! She got dressed and ran out of the room with Eddie waking up and following her. "Sam wait" he said as he grabbed her arm and sat down on the couch "last night that was a mistake i was sad and you were trying to be nice you were just trying to comfort me thats all" Eddie interrupted her "I don't think it was a mistake. I meant what i said last night." She didn't know how to respond yes she always kind of had a crush on him but she was still hurt over nick she couldn't just forget that in a few hours. "Just take some time and think about it see if you want to give us a chance i understand that you cant right now but just try to think about it" he kissed and walked out.

(Two weeks later)

Not much has happened since the night of Anne's party Eddie has called her a few times and she has talked to him once and agreed to meet him for dinner tomorrow night but nick he had called, sent her followers, and even showed up at her apartment but she wouldn't talk to him. She also hadn't gone to work the past 2 days she was feeling sick and kept throwing up but it was might have just been because of everything going on. Thats when she saw her small calendar that she had in her kitchen and noticed the date. She was late. Her period was over a a week late. As soon as she noticed this she got in her car to buy a pregnancy test by the time she got back home to use it she was to Scared to find out. If she was pregnant what would she do who's baby was it! She couldn't take not knowing. She ripped open the small package to use the test then waited for the result.

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