Once I turned the corner I saw Patrick. "Patrick, I'm so glad I found you," I said, sighing out of relief. "I need to tell you something." Mikey and Pete will hate me for this.

"What?" He asked, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. I didn't know he smoked.

"Pete's cheating on you," I blurted out, watching as Patrick's jaw dropped and he dropped his cigarette. "With my brother, who's cheating on Alicia." Patrick stomped out his cigarette, which was a total waste, but whatever. "I'm so sorry," I added, because I really was sorry for him, and Mikey and Pete both need to get their asses kicked.

"I can't believe it," he breathed, blinking rapidly and staring off into space. "I need to confront him."

"Punch that little punk ass mofo in the eye," I told him, chuckling a little, which made Patrick smile a little. "He's a slut, he deserves it." He nodded. I watched as he walked off.

Frank came out of the store with everything we needed. I grabbed him by the wrist and we ran in the direction of the woods.


Once we reached the field, Frank grinned. "How did you know about this place?" He asked, sitting down in the middle of the field. "It's so cool."

"Brendon told me," I half lied, because if I were to tell him I dreamt about it, he might think I'm insane. "He said we... We could fuck here anytime we wanted and-"

Frank cut me off with a kiss to my lips, making me fall down into the grass. I giggled a little, gripping onto Frank's shirt and pulling him closer, if it was even possible.

He kissed my neck gently and softly, straddling me a little. I released my grip on Frank's shirt and tilted my head back so he could reach more of my neck.

He took off my shirt, before leaning back down to kiss my neck again. He kissed my neck softly again, making his way down to my collarbone. He kissed my collarbone a bit harder, before he began kissing down my chest.

"Frank," I said softly, grabbing ahold of his shoulder. "Let's put the blanket down and lay on it. The grass is tickling my back." Frank giggled, then got off of me. I stood up and waited for him to put the blanket down.

"There," he said, standing back up. I sat down on the blanket, only for Frank to straddle my thighs and push me down. He pinned my wrists over my head.

"God, you're so pretty..." He mumbled, kissing my chest again, working his way up to my neck again. He barely brushed his lips against my neck before sitting up and taking off his shirt and discarding it. He tried to lean back down, but I stopped him with my hands.

I ran my hands up his torso, making him scoot forward some so he was straddling my hips. He then grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head again. He kept them in one hand as he ran the other one down my torso.

He kissed my lips, roughly, but passionately. He licked my bottom lip and I parted my lips, letting his tongue in to invade my mouth. After a minute or so, he pulled away, latching onto my neck and kissing some more. Then he began sucking. I moaned.

"M- more," I begged, feeling him smirk against my skin. He let his free hand slide down my torso and down to my thigh. Then, ever so slowly, he slid his hand up to my crotch, palming me through my jeans. I gasped at the touch, but then it quickly turned into a moan.

He sat up once more. "You like that, do you?" He asked, smirk still in tact on his face. I nodded quickly, bucking my hips upwards into his touch, which only make his smirk grow wider.

"More, please," I begged, bucking my hips up again.

"I love seeing you like this; all needy and desperate, and begging," Frank declared, undoing my belt and unzipping my pants, then sliding his hand inside of them and my boxers, letting it be skin on skin. I moaned loudly.

My Angel (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now