Stay with me

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Dans POV

I opened my window to rain and lighting outside Me and Phil's apartment.
I never really liked lighting, I never really liked rain either as it reminded me of the sad days I spent in the pouring rain with grey clouds.

I closed the window and moved over to the couch were Phil was, he was scrolling through tumblr again. I sat down next to him and looked over his shoulder, his tumblr was cute but never what I thought it would be. As he was scrolling through tumblr he came across a photo, a photo of us together in Japan. He looked at me in surprise then shut his laptop before I could see anymore photos.

"What is it" I asked glancing over at Phil

"Nothing, I just got bored" he said as his face went red as roses.

I knew something was up but I didn't know what, maybe it was just a old photo of him. I liked his long hair, it reminded me of 2009 and how we met. He looked at me in surprise like he didn't know that I was there or that something was wrong.

Phil's POV

That was close, one more picture and he would know my secret. I had liked him for a while now but I never knew how or when to tell him, the only thing I knew was that he would never like me back and if I told him that I loved him he would be disgusted and never talk to me again.

"It's storming" he said as he pointed at the window

I never liked rain or storms, the thunder and lightning always scared me. I walked over to the window and shut the blinds, before turning on the TV.

"Aren't you going to talk to me tonight" he said in anger

"I am, but I am watching this right now" I replied back

The thunder started to get louder as the lightning got closer to our house. Every time the lightning stuck a shiver when down my spine and I jumped a little. I didn't like how it was coming closer, why couldn't it go away from us.

Dans POV

I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed some of the left over takeout from last night. I sat down at the table and started to eat, the thunder started to get louder and I was starting to get scared. I glanced over at Phil who was laying down on the couch watching TV, I wanted to go over there and lay down with him but I couldn't, I knew he was strait and would hate for my gay, ugly body to be next to his.

I finished my food and walked over to my room were I knew it was safe. I hated this storm, it made me look scared and made me even more sad about my pathetic life. I pulled out my laptop and opened my tumblr, it looked nothing like Phil's, it was mostly phan fics that I would always wished were real or cute fan art of him and me. I could spend hours on tumblr but the thunder was distracting me from what I needed to do. I slowly closed my laptop and laid on my grey bed, I started to think about how meaningless this life was and why my life had to be this way when I heard a crash of thunder and lighting outside my window, the power cut off and all I could see was darkness.

"Daaaan" Phil shouted from the living room

"I'm coming" I shouted back

I got up and started to run to the living room but I tripped over what seemed to be a suitcase.

"Shit!!" I shouted from the hallway

"Are you ok?" He shouted back

"Yeah I'm fine" I lied

My foot started to bleed but I needed to get to Phil, I needed to know if he was ok. I got up and ran as hard as I could, trying to avoid everything in my path. I heard noises coming from the kitchen and my heart started to race, the darkness already made my heart thump and now the noises were making it worse, I just wanted to be with Phil. I finally made it to the living room and started to look for Phil.

Cute and fluffy phan one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora