Eren was used to the process, so he kept the volume on the radio up and talked to me if only necessary. Jean on the other hand couldn't stop rambling at first, but he eventually gave up and fell asleep. I to, was tired and I fought to stay awake, but at the end I couldn't stand it anymore. My eyelashes flickered just before the music led me to a peaceful slumber.


Everyone was laughing at me.

Suddenly, all eyes burned into my skin and voices rose in the public, which was now embracing me. I was on the ground, not damaged, but only pale and scared for my life. Like who wouldn't, when a bunch of strangers would get on to you with creepy smiles and bitter laughter. My heart was racing and I felt as if an iron stick was piercing up my throat and all the way down to my stomach. A giant galaxy of wildness was building up inside me, eating up all the courage, so I was left with only a bit of sadness and loads of actual fear. The wild fire was burning from my eyes in large flames and I thought I would choke on it, as I tried to drag my fragile body to a point, where all the people would disappear.

But that was obviously not going to happen.

My palms were sweaty and my knees shook with pain and I collapsed in the middle of my escape, gasping for breath. Everything was clouded with blur – the people, the stadium, their horrible faces, even my own body. I was quickly freaking out inside, since I had no clue what was going on what so ever.

But I eventually came to my senses, when a familiar figure stepped out of the crowd and got closer.

His skin was pale and perfect, his uniform as usual, while his raven hair tangled down his forehead, so he had to swipe it away. His small, but muscular figure happened to be moving slowly, while others kept laughing and watching the gap between the two of us close.

I cried out, realizing, Levi was the only one, who I could see clearly. But nothing on him screamed 'normal'. There were no butterflies in my stomach, only a pair of wildcats, fighting off each other. There was no shivering, when my eyes landed on his, only shock entered my body, when I saw the iron coldness in his ones. I let out a low cry of sadness, while he was just getting closer. By this point, I should be filled with anxiety – but I felt nothing. Only a bitter feeling pierced through me as he moved like a robot, no emotions, no expressions on his face. I hoped this was all just my imagination playing with me, as voices embraced me from every corner, till a sharp scream cut through the air and two boys flew from the left. Every single soul looked at their direction, but no one seem to bother, who the screaming boys, now surrounded by wicked smiles were.

Eren and Jean.

The brown-haired boys tried to fight through the crowd, but they never got the chance. The public ate them too quickly for our gazes to meet and I cried my brother's name in agony. My gaze was still locked with Levi and a feeling of disgust shot through me when I saw him snicker in their direction.

What the hell is he smirking for? Obviously, he disliked them and they disliked him but that was just brutal.

He was basically playing with our emotions and I didn't know how much my body could take. I only hoped the crowd will eventually end up running me over, but there had to be a devil playing games with me.

In a second, the place stood still and the laughter was muted. Everything around me was slowly clearing like after a big storm and my vision stopped spinning from figure to figure, which were now disappearing. A shade of darkness started looming under people's feet, building up until every person, but Levi and I, vanished.

I finally got on my feet and looked around, eyeing the blank around me. I could barely stand and seeing Levi smirk just made everything worse. The silence was unbearable and I just wished, he could come closer and I could lean my head on his chest.

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