Chapter 22 Babies

Start from the beginning

"Asleep in one of the rooms for babies." Eren told her. "What me to go get our daughter for you to see?"

"Yes...please go get her." Annie asked sweetly."Thank you."

"Sure thing, love." Eren told her as he stood up and walks out of the room.

Hm...I did it. Me and Eren are parents! I'm a mother! Annie thought happily. But her thoughts were interrupted when the door to her room opens up.

"Eren?" Annie called out, thinking that he came back quickly. But she was then surprised to see two arms holding a baby with blue jeans and a black sweater being held at the open door. "Huh?"

"Surprise!" Mikasa then pop and showed that she was the one holding the baby.

"Mikasa?!" Annie said surprised. Then she saw Jean behind her. "Jean?!"

"Hey, shorty. How you doing?" Jean asked with a smile.

"Better now, Horse-face." Annie smiled back. That's when Annie's eyes focused on the baby gurgling happily in Mikasa's arms. "Oh, my god! Is that my nephew?!!"

"It's sure is." Mikasa smiled as she sat beside Annie. "Do you want to hold her?"

"Hell yes!" Annie said as she stretch out her arms to Gabe, her nephew.

"Easy." Mikasa instructed Annie as she handed Gabe to Annie. Annie gently held the baby and cooed Gabe.

"'s your Aunt you doing sweet-pie?" Annie coos at Gabe with a sweet voice.

"GGugmm." Gabe gurgled happily, despite being born a few days ago. He was already making cute noises.

"He already makes his cute little sounds? He can't even open his eyes yet?"

"I spent free times reading it online to teach Gabe some noises and how to make your kid make sounds. That way, he will learn how to speak more easily." Mikasa explained.

"Really? Show me the site later on." Annie said.

"You got it." Mikasa smiled.

"Whoa! Mikasa?! Jean?! What are you two doing here?" Annie heard Eren's voice and turns to see him by the door holding-

"Annabelle!" Annie cried out happily. Annie slowly gave Gabe back to Mikasa and starts to stand up from her bed.

"W-Whoa!! Annie, wait! I'll hand her to you." Eren shouted with a worried voice. She obeyed and lays back on the bed as Eren sit on the other side. "Don't get up so quickly."

"Urgh...fine." Annie groaned and rolls her eyes. But her attention returns to Eren as he slowly hands their daughter to her.

"Here's your Mommy, Annabelle." Eren smiled and Annie holds Annabelle gently.

"Hi, sweetie. It's Mommy...can you hear me?" Annie smiled with so much joy. But all that changed to shock when Annabelle eye-lids open up and Annie sees her green eyes. "E-Eren?! Her eyes?! She opened her eyes?!"

"Huh?!" Annie moves Annabelle towards Eren to see. "EEEEEEEHHHH!"

"What?!" Jean exclaimed.

"How is that-" Mikasa was surprised as well.

"I-I-I don't is she-" Annie's was interrupted by a doctor walking in.

"Ah, you have notice as well." The doctor spoke.

"N-Noticed what?" Annie asked worried. She was surprised that Annabelle can open her eyes but worried if it was a bad thing.

"Her eyes..." the doctor smiled. "Don't worry, Mrs. Jaeger. Allow me to explain, it took us hours to figure out why but we read on Mr. Jaeger records."

"My records?" Eren asked curious.

"You're one of the last Titan drug users." The doctor said.

"I was actually born with it." Eren corrected him.

"Yes...well, we knew that...what we didn't know is that it can be biologically past on." The doctor said and that caught everyone's interest.

"Biological?" Annie asked.

"The Titan drug can make it's host stronger and heal faster. But for your little girl, it is fixing her vision and body which is still needs to grow with your daughter. It isn't dangerous so there is nothing to worry about." He explains.

"So she is only adapting her eye-sights and other senses?" Mikasa asked.

"Yes." The doctor said with an ensuring smile.

"She won't go through The Phase...right?" Eren asked with fear in his voice.

"No, we believe that she might but some of the DNA in her is from the mother, Inside her DNA is a bits of strands of Titan drug. Something we can't confirm what it is but it isn't killing or doing nothing to Mrs. Jaeger." The doctor turns to look at Annie. "Have you injected with something that has to do with the Titan drug before?"

"Well..." Annie thought about it. She then remembers about Eren's mother. "My husband mother gave me some sort of home-made Titan to cure me of some poison his father injected me with."

"I see, that can explain some things." He said as he took some notes into his notepad. "It does explain how you healed quickly in your vagina after giving birth. You seem to be fine as well so you could leave anything you want today."

"Really?" Annie asked happily and kisses her daughter's forehead. No longer worried of any dangers.

"Yes, I'll shall leave you with your family members." The doctor said his goodbyes and left.

"So I can leave?" Annie asked.

"When you think you're ready, love." Eren said with a smile.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Annie grinned. "Let's get my clothes and leave!"

---One Hour Later---

"So then we rode the rollercoaster's and had a great time!" Annie told Mikasa and Erica as they sat on the couch as Gabe and Annabelle slept on the bed.

"Seriously? We never went to a carnival before, so it was Eren's first time there, right?" Eren's twin sister, Erica, asked.

"Yeah and for me as well." Annie told them.

"Where did the boys go?" Mikasa asked.

"They left to play basketball at the park for us to spend some girl time." Sasha appeared from the kitchen.

"Armin too?" Annie asked.

"Yeah, and that's my fiancé you're talking about now." Sasha winked as she lifted her hand up to show Annie a ring around her finger.

"Armin purposed to you?!" Annie asked surprised and happy that she said yes since she was wearing the ring.

"And I said yes...I'm getting married, it's so hard to believe." Sasha said but with a smile on her face. "I think I love Armin more than food."



"..." they were all quiet until-

"Hahaha!" everyone started to laugh. But their laughter's stopped by the sound of babies crying.

"WWAAAAHHH!" they cried.

"They're awake." Mikasa said as Annie and her stood up to go get them but-

"Wait, I'll get them." Erica spook up and pushed them back down to the couch.

"Wait, you sure Erica?" Annie asked.

"Of course, you guys are tired. Let their Auntie Erica handle them." Erica smile with excitement. Annie couldn't help but giggle to see Erica so happy for babies. She watched her enter the room cooing and calling the babies cute. finally happy to have a family. Eren sure gives people a home. Annie thought happily. I'm glad to have everyone a part of our family...I'm sure Erica will be a good aunt.

...I'm sure of it...

(Eren X Annie Book 2) Hurry Up and Save MeWhere stories live. Discover now