Chapter 11 Return Home

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Back and writing again, hope you like this chapter, sort of speed it.

//Mikasa POV//

"Where is she?" Mikasa asked as she and Jean sat in the living room couch with Erica. They were watching the new T.V. they have bought a week ago but they were now bored.

"Maybe Annie is talking a walk. Probably thinking about Eren again. You know how she is now in days...worried." Erica told Mikasa.

"Of course she is. She loves him much that she needs him to make her feel feel ok." Jean said. They stop talking when Mikasa and Erica's mother opens the door.

"Hello girls and hello Jean." Their mother greeted them.

"Hi Mom." Both Mikasa and Erica replied.

"And what are you three talking about?" Mom asked as she closed the door.

"We were talking about Annie." Mikasa told her.

"Don't worry so much about Annie, she's fine. She is very strong." Mother said with a smile.

"I know but she is mostly quiet now..." Erica said. "Not to mention that she is always spending her days at the hospital."

"We have to respect her decision. Give her time to let her do this on her own for now. Everything will work out when Eren wakes up." Mom told them.

"But WHEN?! When will my little brother wake up?! When will Eren wake up?! He is in a god damn coma!" Mikasa suddenly found herself shouting with her anger boiling in her. She turned to look at them but stares at her feet. "S-Sorry..."

"Don't get so stressed out about it, Mikasa." Jean said as he held her hand, which on her finger held her engagement ring Jean has given her.

"I know but it's been two weeks since Eren...let's just...not talk about this anymore. Let's talk about something else, ok?" Mikasa now felt the now familiar aching feeling in her stomach. She misses the voice of her brother. The smile that showed her that everything will be alright. But he isn't here to cheer her up. Mikasa misses her little brother.

But she sometimes seems to forget Eren during the day...she understood that the thoughts of Eren's safety were replaced with Jean. These thoughts were of what Jean is doing...or what is wearing...where they can go together. Mikasa believes that it could be because that it was maybe she once again met her first crush or that he is there to listen to what troubles her.

"Mikasa?" she snapped out of her train of thought and turns to look at her fiancé.

"Huh?" Mikasa blinked at him confused to what he said earlier.

"I said that Annie is at the door. I'm going to the kitchen to make us some food." Jean told her.

"Oh, ok." Mikasa nodded and headed to the door. But once she opened the door, she quickly saw that Annie wasn't alone. Behind her stood the one person she didn't expect to see. To her, it was like looking at a ghost.

"Mikasa...he's finally awake." Annie smiled, confirming to Mikasa that it was him...Eren.

"E-Eren...?" it was all Mikasa could say before throwing herself to her brother in a tight hug.

"I'm back...Sis." She heard Eren whisper in her ear and she started to cry.

"Eren!" Mikasa cries out.

"Mikasa? You ok?" She heard Jean from the kitchen.

"Jean! Mom! Erica! Eren's here! He's finally awake!" Mikasa shouted happily as she ran inside to get them.

(Eren X Annie Book 2) Hurry Up and Save MeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora