Chapter 3

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Instead of actually going to the big house I went straight to my cabin. I was feeling a little light headed after that whole stop staring at me fiasco. I reached my cabin walked in and flopped down on my bed. I pull the covers over and snuggle close to my pillow tears dripping down my face. I often did this it wasn't something New. I guess crying made me rely tired because I remember waking up to my brother Nico and sister Hazle waking me and asking about my tear stained face. Lico, well she already knew why I did that stayed out, Nico looked concern as if it was something to do with my episodes, Hazle looked terrified as if she was going to be my next victim. I sit up straight and bring my attention to Hazle "Dude I'm not going to kill you." I say annoyed. It's been almost a whole year here and people still treat me like I'm going to end up killing them. I sigh. "It's not that..." Hazel trails off. "What do you mean?" I ask "what's going on?" "We have to go to the underworld it's something only our dad himself can explain." Nico says before Hazle could answer. I nod and look at Lico. "And I won't be going with you guys..." She says "How come?" I ask "I've never been there and I have a feeling I don't want to be down there." She says "It's full of death it makes me shiver." "I've never been there before and I'm going." I say Lico looks at me sadly "You have to go, he is only calling us to explain something to you and Nico and Hazle have to go because they have to know how to help you. I nod my head and look back at Nico and Hazle. "When do we leave?" I ask

Yes I know it's short but it's just a filler since I haven't updated this story much. I'm really sorry. If you like this story and need something to read feel free to check out my other fan fiction or stories I write or if you want to get to know me better and actually get a heads up when a update will be soon coming out pm me!

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