In Love With A Witch

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In Love With A Witch

"Wake up, David. You'll be late for school." I rubbed my eyes, opening them slowly. "Wha..?" I looked around, and felt someone touch my shoulder. Looking over to my left, I saw my mom, watching me. "You need to get up, or you'll be late." she said. I sighed tiredly. "Okay mom." She walked out of my room, closing the door behind her. I sat up in bed, and sighed again. "I don't want to go to school," I told myself, "there's no one I want to see at school." Getting out of bed, I slowly shuffled over to my closet, and pulled out a black t-shirt, dark blue skinny jeans, and a pair of socks. "Besides, I keep getting picked on by everyone." I looked in my mirror, sighing again. "I think it's time I fight back for once."

After getting dressed, and smelling freshly cooked bacon, I slowly walked downstairs to the kitchen, grabbing my bag for school. "David, do you want any breakfast?" my mom asked. I shook my head. "No, I'm not hungry." She sighed. "Alright." I opened the front door, heading outside. I shivered. "It's too cold," I said quietly, "why have school today?" I shivered again, hoping it would warm up later in the day. "Better get going, I suppose." I started down the sidewalk, hoping, for once, I could have a quiet, peaceful walk to school. But, of course, it wasn't. 

Conner Johnson, the high school thug, came cruising up next to me in his porche, yelling and swearing. "What you doing walking to school, you little bitch?" he asked. I ignored him, but he kept pressing on. "You little prick, answer me when I talk to you!" I kept on ignoring him, wishing he would go away, but I knew he wouldn't. "I'm going to give you five seconds to answer, before I run you over, got it?" I didn't answer him. I'm not going to give the satisfaction of an answer. "That's it!" He pulled his car in front of me, swearing. I walked around him, grinning. He's always had troubles with his seat belt. Looking behind me, I realized he was already out of his car. "Get your ass over here, you bastard!" I ran, with him trailing behind me.

I finally arrived at school, rubbing my right shoulder. If I hate anything at all, it's being hit by rich people. I looked at the school, sighing. "At least I'm at school on time." Walking inside, everyone starts making fun of me instantly. "Hey, pip squeak, you get screwed by another man lately?" That got some uproar form people. Now, it's my turn. "Yeah, and your mom taught me a lot." The room went silent, but you could tell by other people's expressions that I was about to get some laughs. "You dirty cunt!" a guy yelled. I smirked. "Is that what you tell your mom when you screw her?" In an instant, the entire hallway began laughing. I walked to my locker, people patting me on the back. I had to check, just to make sure people weren't putting "kick me" signs on me. I sighed when I reached my locker. I was at the very end of the hall, with only one other locker next to me, and it wasn't even occupied. I opened mine, put my bag away, grabbed my geometry stuff, and headed to class.

The rest of the day was a blur. Geometry, then English, lunch, biology, Japanese, and finally, weather. Yes, you heard me right, weather. It's a class the school just started, so students can predict the weather at any time. After my last class, I headed to my locker, grabbed my bag, and left school, wondering if Conner was waiting for me. It didn't matter. He would either hit me now or tomorrow. About half way to my house, I saw a couple moving trucks. Driven by curiosity, I slowed my pace, wondering if the family had a son or daughter, or both. I tore my eyes away from the new comers, and hurried home. 

I laid on my bed, still wondering about the family that is moving in a couple blocks away. I yawned, and as if on cue, my mom walks into my room. "Tired?" she asked. I nodded. "Yeah, kind of. And I'm kind of lost in thought." She nodded, like she understood what I was talking about. "Well, don't get too lost in thought, you might not come back." I smiled a little. "Goodnight David." She walked out, and closed my door. Once I heard her get in her bed, I waited twenty minutes, then sat at my desk, writing ideas for how to welcome the new family into the area. I sighed, lost in thought. "Maybe, just maybe, if this family has a son or daughter, they won't be a complete ass to me." I said to myself. I wrote down some final details, closed my notebook, and laid down on my bed, sleep trying to take over. I tried to stay awake, but it was a losing fight. I ended up drifting off without even knowing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2013 ⏰

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