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I pulled on my knee-high rubber riding boots, took a deep breath, and hauled myself out of my brand new Dodge Ram. The comforting smell of alfalfa hay, fresh cut grass, and ,my favorite, horses hit me immediately. I smiled tying my long dark blonde hair up into a pony tail and walked to the back of my four-horse trailer. Morrigan slammed her hooves repeatedly into the rubber matting of the trailer floor.

"Oh knock it off will you we are here." I said undoing the trailers latch, pulling it back and securing it. I smiled as I watched Morrigans cherry bay behind back out easily. I grabbed her leather lead line and walked her in a small circle as her long ears perked, and her nostrils flared.

"Oh. My. Gawsh!! This place is amazing! How cool would it be if you ended up being the one that fills the last spot on their team?! Psh who am I kidding they would be dumb not to choose you!" My best friend Mariah squealed bouncing over from her sporty little Mercedes. I laughed at her excitement, Mori just pranced around in spot and gave Mariah an odd look.

"Thanks for your note of encouragement, babe." I said nervously stroking Mori's silky bay neck.

"Oh c'mon why don't you look as excited as I'm feeling right now?!" Mariah asked, her bottom lip pouting.

"Oh I don't know maybe because people travel the world to compete at a spot on this team, not to mention getting into this school. I know I'm good but I'm starting to think I'm not Mullbury Academy good." I said rubbing the back of my neck and exhaling loudly. Mariah strutted over and smacked my cheek, a little to hard and I yelped in shock.

"Do not talk that way Isha Simorn Davidson. You smoked out most of the other competitors without even breaking a sweat back in Dallas. If you actually try during these three classes, I can guarantee you'll have the spot." She said smiling and playing with Mori's lips. Just then my mom and little brother Sawyer pulled in and took the spot right next to the mercedes. Sawyers blonde curls shined in the sun as he bounded over. Mori nickered happily and put her head down so the little boy could kiss her nose. Mom walked over, her hair, similar to mine just dark brown was tied in a loose pony tail.

"Dawn, please tell your daughter she is going to nail this." Mariah demanded thrusting her hand at me.

"Awsha you're going to do just fine, I mean you're my daughter, remember?" she said grinning,"Now let's go get you two girls ready for the first class." she said climbing up onto the trailer handing my saddle and saddle pad to Mariah, my groom bucket to Sawyer, and took my boots and bridle herself. After locking up the trailer we all headed down the semi-busy barn isle to the stall that had our number on it. Twenty-four. I slid the door open and let Morrigan walk while the others set my equipment down.

"I'm gonna go sign in." I told the others as I head down the isle and to the office. I found the room with the door that had the wording "equestrian Office" engraved in metalic gold on the dark wood door. I pulled the door open and headed to the granit counter. A short little red-head secratary looked up at me with happy green eyes and offered me a friendly smile. I smiled back.

"I'm guessing your here to sign in for the qualification classes?" Miss Red-head asked and I nodded," Alright your name missy?"

"Isha Davidson" I replied folding my hands neatly on the counter as she typed away on her Apple computer.

"Ah here we go." she said handing me a t-shirt in my previous school's colors, and matching saddle pad for Mori. I smiled gratefully and headed back out, faceplanting a guy easily five inches taller than me.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I squeaked jumping back, looking up into a pair of the brightest blue eyes I've seen. He had longer black hair that curled around his ears, and framing his face perfectly. He had a light olive complexion and full lips that were pressed in a tight line. He wore a t-shirt in Mullbury colors, navy blue and gold, that complimented his hard stomach and toned arms. I mumbled another quick apology and pushed past him before he had time to respond. I jogged back down the isle and threw myself into Mori's stall.

"Geeze what happened to you? You look even worse now than you did when we first got here." Mariah said buckling a book to Mori's leg.

"Oh nothing just totally face planted some guy's chest. No big deal.." I said waving it off sarcastically.

"Oh he was hot, you don't get all flushed like you are now for nothing." She laughed standing up right again. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a soft bristle body brush, flicking off imaginary dust off of Mori's shiny coat.

"Here you'd better get put this on." Mom said tossing me the t-shirt. I nodded pulling off my white t-shirt, and tugging on the black and silver one. I fitted Mori's matching saddle pad easily onto her back, followed by my black leather show saddle. Mariah slipped her martingale and bridle on and I slipped the girth through the loop, buckling it snuggly around her belly. I buckled the remaining two straps to the front of the saddle and untangled a few small knots from her mane. The surround sound speakers announced that the warm up ring was now open and that the first class was going to begin in fifteen minutes.

"Well you'd better go and intimidate some newbies." Mariah chirped walking my hanoverian mare out. I shook my hands a bit and took a couple deep breaths.

"You know what would be good at a time like this?" mom asked walking into the stall, Sawyer on her heels. She held up her phone, and I laughed. "One minute dance party!!" She said turning on my current favorite song, Dame by Shaggy featuring Celia. The three of us busted out dancing in crazy, very unattractive dance moves for a full minute, Mariah kneeling over laughing so hard her tan face turned scarlet. When it was over we were all laughing so hard I wasn't sure I'd be able to stay on my horse. When I looked up, I noticed a pair of blue eyes staring right at me, those perfect lips quirked up in a small grin. I blushed bright red and grabbed my helmet, pretending I didn't notice him staring.

"Let's go muchacha!" Mariah squealed bouncing down the isle, Mori mosying her way after her. The three of us followed them to the entrance of the arena and Mariah handed the reins over to me.

"You'll do fine, and remember this is only the warm up, if you are going to make any mistakes make them now. Not saying you are, just something to keep in mind." mom added after seeing my horrified expression.

"Go kick some ass hottie!" Mariah said giving me an easy leg up. I slipped my feet into the stirrups and eased Mori into the arena at a walk. After a few laps in small circles I gave her sides a slight squeeze and she easily changed gates into a smooth trot. Being up in the saddle, ontop of my partner instantly sapped my nervousness out of my body. I was in the zone, and so was my horse. I could win this. I will win this, Power of the mind my mom always told me. Focus on what bad could happen and it will. Focus your energy on the good that can, will happen and it will. We've got this. Nervousness radiated off of every other rider in the rink. Horses flew by us, cantering to fast. Heads were tossing and a few even bucked a couple times. I squeezed my legs again and she eased into a swift canter. She tucked her head into an elegant arch and I leaned back comfortably in my saddle. Back straight, eyes between Mori's ears, heels down. I noticed a few low cross rail jumps people were hopping their horses over. I eased Mori into a wide circle, counted her strides, squeezed my legs, rose out of the saddle and we landed gracefully on the other side. I steered her in the opposite direction and asked for a lead change, which she did perfectly. We went over the cross rails a couple of times. When we approached the final time I caught the blue eyed boy staring at me intently, criticizingly. He was leaning against the fence on his forearms, one foot up on the lowest bar. God he was cute. Mori lost focus and hopped over the jump, causing me to lose a stirrup. That mistake caught me a few snickers and dirty looks. Damn, focus.

"Will all riders please line up in the center for further instructions." the speakers boomed. Myself along with four other riders obeyed and lined up in a perfect line. We all watched as five people strode into the arena, four wearing matching breeches, boots, and Mullbury's navy blue and gold t-shirts. One of which was the blue eyed boy. His eyes immediately found mine and I felt my heart skip a beat. I reverted my gaze the others. The one standing next to the blue eyed boy was an inch or so shorter than the other with the same toned body, but instead he had sandy brown hair, tanned skin, and emerald green eyes. Very surfer boy. The next had white blonde hair, pale complexion, and dark blue eyes. The fourth was about average hieght, with longer dark auburn, olive skin and amber colored eyes, a few shades darker than my own. The final man was clearly the guy in charge, he was the heaviest built, but still extremely in shape. He had long black hair that was tied back in a loose pony tail, dark skin and dark brown almost black eyes. All of them have unwelcoming, hardass, tough to impress attitudes. Oh boy.

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