5: Fine In The Moment

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1.a very brief period of time



"You're not a hot senior." Joe barley whispered over the song playing. "Oh." Beth said, somewhat saddened that the boy she was having second thoughts on didn't like her anymore. "You're a beautiful senior, a beautiful girl." He said it in a simple way. "Oh." Was all Beth could think of saying, but in a different expression than the first. It wasn't spoken in a joyful happiness, but a blissful happiness. She had always wanted to be called beautiful by a boy and she was speechless that Joe was the boy to say it. He was the type of guy who refused to admit that girls were more than a play toy to leave on your bedroom floor once you broke it and replaced it for a newer model.

The short 4 minute song had reached an end and it took everything in Joe to not press the repeat button on the phone screen so they could relive that moment over again. All he wanted was to have the courage to say those simple words louder, better and sooner. Little did he know Beth was thinking the same thing about herself, ways she could've changed that moment. She wanted to pull him closer, she wanted to have said something that wasn't "oh". Both of them amended themselves to make the already perfect moment better, but thinking it over, neither of them would've changed a thing.

Although the song had ended their dance hadn't. Still stood closer than ever, they could feel each others warm breath against the cool air of the open window. Beth wanted nothing more than to embrace this moment, but she was smarter than to fall for someone she couldn't have. A Romeo and Juliet story was not what they were chasing after, both of them knew very well that it was a very foolish "love story". They did not want to end up so brainwashed towards each other that they end up killing themselves to be buried in the same cemetery.

Minutes passed as they stood together and neither of them could help but edge closer to each other to the point where the only gap between them was at the bridge of their noses. The room remained very close and restrained and it was as if the whole world had paused for them, never would you ever see two people so focused on each other. Joe thought about saying how he had felt about her for 3 years but kept it to himself and let himself enjoy the peace of being with the girl he liked. Any words would ruin this, speaking was irreverent when they could easily read each others body language. Beth was relaxed in Joe's arms and her eyes had peacefully shut. Joe sensed the moment become raised and took a risk, he leaned into Beth's lips

Beth had not been paying attention to the world around her for once in her life. She had always been such a busy person and always felt an overwhelming urge to make everything perfect as if it was her job. For the first time she let someone else take over a situation and went with the motion of it. When she felt the sudden breath of air come even closer than it was she immediately tensed up because she knew he was leaning in for a kiss. He pulled his head away when he felt the sudden movement and released her from his arms. Beth felt a shiver rush through her body when she was no longer in Joe's warm and welcoming grip.

"I'm sorry." Joe finally spoke, breaking the 30 seconds of stiff silence between them. "It's fine." Beth gave the classic answer to try to tell him she was not fine without actually saying it. "Are you okay? I know it was sudd-" "I'm fine." She wasn't fine, she felt defeated by emotions that she couldn't put a label on. Everything to her was such a long way from fine, it felt like her world was falling apart around her, in this moment she was abandoned in the debris. This is not what she volunteered for, she was told to sleep in Annette's bed for the night, not fall for her little brother and get lost in temptation. Everything was such a long way from "fine".

"It was just the moment, your eyes were closed, your body was relaxed and your lips-" "I said it was fine," She cuts him off strictly. "I swear." She said with a softer tone. The message was passed through that it was definitely not fine.

As they sat in silence waiting for the other to make the first move Joe recalled all the other times tonight when they were too shy to speak. He remembered how heartbroken he felt that he finally got the chance to talk to the girl he had a crush on since 7th grade, but couldn't work up the courage to say something. How he felt so great a few moments ago and how he felt like he was getting somewhere and breaking through a wall in his anti-social life. That was all he really needed, courage, and once he worked up enough to speak Beth cut him off with the same question that made him die inside. The same question she asked before any of this happened when they were sitting in the exactly same situation.





1. in a satisfactory or pleasing manner; very well.

2. a lie.



I DON'T THINK YOU UNDERSTAND HOW LONG IT TOOK ME TO TYPE THIS. I wrote it at camp so that took about 2 days but every time I sat down with my laptop to type it I either got distracted or couldn't come up with anything (which is weird because I had already wrote it.) I finished almost 4 whole paragraphs at midnight last night but this morning I went back and added a bunch of stuff and corrected a bunch of stuff so I'm pleased with this. The next chapter might not be out for a while because as you know I'm starting school but I also haven't finished writing it yet but I'm almost done I swear.

Thanks for reading and I'm sorry for the wait :)

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