Chapter 2

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I'm not marrying that jerk no matter what. I don't care what my mom says. I sat in the same spot for hours, circling the rim of glass cylinder holding my drink. Every now and then people would come up to m and try to make conversation but I just stayed quiet. Why did he have to mysteriously appear back out of nowhere?

Why now? I don't get why he's not going against this marriage, he hates me and I hate him. there will never be love between us two. EVER. I ate the food they serve and groaned out loud as if my insides were turning on me. Seriously, What can I do to fix my life? Were enemies, were never going to have love. People are just too blind to realise that.

"Hey slut" Jungkook said sitting down beside me. As if seeing him isn't bad enough but talking and sitting beside him is hell for me.

"I'm not a slut, you are" I cried out, still blocking out his face from my view.

"Haha, funny. So Hwayoung, your going to be my wife, there's going to be a few rules between us. Meet me tomorrow at a local Coffee house, you better show up. I'm not saying which one, find me. If you don't show up watch what happens" he said, knocking on my head as if it's hollow.

I raised my head, giving him a glare. He averted his eyes to elsewhere as if he was intimidated by me. "Nearest to me or you? I don't even know where you live" I said, resting on table, flat on the side of my face.

"That's the challenge. Figure it out, like I said before. If you don't show up I'll hurt you, remember High School? Great time, right? I'm sure you want to relive that life" he smirked, quirking his lips up.

"What if I want to live that life again? I'm not showing up, enjoy your time alone" I scoffed, I stood up from my seat but he pulled me down so I was on his lap. He had his arms around my waist, gripping onto me tightly.

"Dont stand me up, I'm still the most attractive guy from HIgh School, you don't want to hurt your old crushes feelings, do you? Hwayoung you better show up, I'll give you a hint. It's the nearest to you" he said, fixing my hair again

"*Scoffs* Vain much. I'm still not coming and who said I have a crush on you. I wanted you dead instead of liking you. The only way I'm coming to that coffee place is if you drag me out my house and throw me over your shoulder while you walk all the way. Sounds fun, right? Not? Good, Bye" I tried standing back up but he had a firm grip around me, keeping me down.

I tried several times trying to make him let go but he wouldn't "I'm not the one who chases after girls, they chase after me. You better show up or else. I'm not coming to your place so make things easier for yourself slut and show up" He growled, pulling on my hair, as usual.

I grabbed hold of his hand "You don't want to make a girl cry infront of your mom, do you?" I smirked, seeing the fear in his eyes. He let go and pushed me off his lap. "Heavy pig" he muttered to himself, softly. I still heard. "For your information I weigh 47kg, compare me to your whore girlfriend then we'll see whose the heavy pig" I felt like crying out, I'm not fat. Am I? Ever since High School I've done everything I could to lose weight, from a fat 75kg girl to a 47kg beauty. Sure I look a bit unhealthy but I feel pretty for once.

I'm pretty weak, maybe be'll feel sympathy for me if I cry. But then he'll think I'm the vain and attention seeking one. Should I lose more weight? He just glared at me, kissing his teeth, blatantly. "Am I really fat? Should I lose more weight?" I asked, touching over my flat stomach but in my eyes all I saw was those old layers of fat. I'm fat. "What do you think?" he scoffed, rolling his eyes at me. "I'm fat?" I cried out. Before I knew it tears were streaming down my cheeks. He handed me a napkin but that didn't stop me, I rejected the napkin and began crying more. I shut my eyes, feeling something warm wrap around me. "Don't think I have feelings for you just because I'm hugging you, I can't let people see you turn ugly out of nowhere. Hwayoung you're not fat..sorry" he said lifelessly.

I cried evenmore, making him more pissed off. "You don't mean it, I lost so much weight because of you but still I'm a pig in your eyes. I'll lose more, I'll go home now and lose some more" I pushed him away, rubbing my black tears with my palm and headed for the exit. Wait, I didn't bring my car. "WAIT HWAYOUNG!" he chased me outside. I stopped walking, keeping my back still facing him.

"Hwayoung...lose alot more" he said, I could tell he's smirking. I couldn't stand on my feet anymore, my knees shook as if they were going to snap. I shut my eyes, falling onto the ground, grazing my knees on the now blood-covered cement. I didn't faint over anything, I just feel...useless

I'm just so sick of him and his words that I'm so close to giving up on life.

Why did today have to be the worst day of my life?

I laid down on the ground, staring at all the cars lined up. I saw a person come to help me up but Jungkook stopped him. I felt a familiar pair of arms help me up, by putting his arms around my waist. "Get off me.." I struggled, hitting his arms. Nothing. He tightened his arms and dragged me inside, he sat me down on a chair, hidden in the back before disappearing. I tried to stand up but ended up falling down on the chair, that's how things went for 5 minutes. I tried standing up one last time but I fell on my butt again as usual. I looked up, finding him stood there with a smirk on his face. "Struggling to get away? Stop, just sit for a bit" he said, kneeling down before me with a first aid kit rested beside him.

I moved my legs away back from him but he aggresively grabbed them back. "What did I say?" he growled, resting my leg out straight. I bit my tongue as he rubbed my knees with alcohol, stinging. "Why are you doing this? You say for me to lose weight then your helping me. You really haven't learnt anything about me throughout your whole life, have you? " I said as he put a plaster on both knees.


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