my first love

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Ashley's pov..

Today is Monday the day I hate the most.. well let me introduce myself my name is Ashley Garcia from Pasadena high school I'm 16 years old I get bullied everyday by a group of guys. I have a friend named Jessica we been friends since we we're in diapers. I don't have any brothers or sister at least that's what my parents told me. My parents hate me they beat me every day they see me. I have a crush his name is Jake and yes he does bully me sometimes. The boys who beat me the most are blake, mark, Matthew, and Taylor. Idk why they beat on me but they have since they first saw me. I don't really have any confidence in myself. I could never stand up for myself in front of those guys because they would beat me so much. The first time I saw jake I thought maybe he would be the guy I marry some day and he would be so sweet. Turns out I was wrong he's one of my bullies.

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