boxer's girl // twenty-four

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Hannah's POV

Waking up in a hospital is never good, but waking up next to people that love you makes it less terrible.

I opened my eyes slowly, not adjusting to the light well. It was bright, white, and clean. I hated it.

I hated the feeling of being helplessly laying on a hospital bed not knowing how I got here. All I know is who sent me here.


Cole did this to me. Cole sent me to this horrid place. He made me on the verge of death. He made me so sad that I couldn't even speak to my closest friends about what happened. He made me helpless.

I looked over to Braden sleeping in the chair next to me. Braden.

"Br-" I stopped. It hurt. It hurt to talk. My throat felt dry and weak. He heard me though, and he snapped his eyes open quickly.

"Oh my god. Hannah!" He sighed and caressed my cheek happily. "I'm so happy you're awake. Do you need anything?"

"Water." I choked out dryly. Why did my throat hurt so badly? How long have I been asleep?

"Of course." He ran out of the room, returning a moment later with a bottle of water and a doctor. He handed me the water as the doctor approached me.

"How are you feeling, Hannah?" He smiled politely at me, but I could tell it wasn't sincere.

"Fine." I mumbled out. I'm in the hospital because I had a mental breakdown because of a boy. I feel pathetic. I feel hopeless. I shouldn't have let myself get so attached to him like that.

"I'm going to ask you a few questions if thats alright." He continues on, clicking open his pen and looking down at his clip board.

"Okay." I kept my answers simple. What was the point if he really didn't care for my answer? Either way he was going to ask these questions.

"What's your birthday?"

"May 19." Easy.

"Very good." I felt like I just won a huge prize. It's my birthday. Remembering it isn't that great of an accomplishment. "What year is it?"


"Correct." Well, I would hope so.  "What day is it?"

"June 21." I answered easily. This is when things twisted. The doctor and Braden looked at me sympathetically.

"What?" I snapped. I hated that look. That is exactly how I don't want to be looked at.

"It's August 16." The doctor said stiffly.

"That's great. Look. Are we done with these questions? When can I leave?" I asked bluntly.

"Tomorrow." The doctor looked at me peculiarly. "Visiting hours are over though." He looked at Braden, and he nodded, standing up.

"I love you, Hannah. I'll be back tomorrow like usual." He chuckled and kissed my forehead goodbye.

"Bye, Braden." I said not looking at him.

I watched both of them leave, them watching me curiously, waiting for me to call them back and ask why I slept so long. Truthfully though, I don't care. I just want to get out of here. I need to get out of here.

I need to start over by myself. Alone. That's what I need. I need to rebuild my faith and courage in myself before I can even think about coming back to this place with Dylan and Jad and Cole and Uncle Daniel.

I can't go back like this. Weak. Helpless. Dependent.

I need to go somewhere new. Meet new people and experience new things.

I'm out of high school now. I can't be depending on anybody but myself. I am all I need. I don't need anybody else's help to do anything.

I just need to get out of this damned hospital. Then, I can move on. I have enough money. I can move and go to school and make a life for myself alone.

I can do it alone.

I don't need Jad or Dylan or Cole. Not even Uncle Dan. I just need myself.

With a confident smirk and a new plan, I started to drift back to sleep, seeing as it was dark outside now. I must've been thinking for a while now.


Waking up in this dreadful hospital was the most dissatisfying thing I could've possibly woken up to. The doctor sitting at the desk next to the wall made it worse though. Him again.

"Can I help you?" I ask bitterly.

"Oh, good. You're awake." He chirped.

"Well, I don't talk in my sleep, so yeah, I'm awake." I rolled my eyes and sat up straighter in the bed.

"Okay. Well, how are you feeling today?"

"Hungry." I groan.

"No, I meant-"

"You asked me how I'm feeling. I'm feeling hungry." I said sternly. I don't need him pushing me right now.

"Okay. I'm signing you out now. You should be ready to go in an hour, and-Oh, look. There he is! Your friend has offered to drive you home." The doctor continued on as Braden walked through the door.

"Okay." I said plainly.

The doctor left while Braden made his way to the chair next to my bed again. "How you feeling?"


"Did you sleep well?" He tried to start up conversation again.

"No. This bed is terribly uncomfortable. If they want people to heal here, they should give them softer beds." I complained openly.

"I see." He said. If he thinks that I'm going to continue on talking, he must be high.

"You're free to go." The doctor says walking into my room.

"Took you long enough." I rolled my eyes before gathering my things to leave.

It took about 10 minutes to get out of the hospital because I had to sign some papers and change. Once I was in the car, Braden opened his mouth to speak.

"Where to?" He asked happily.

"Dan's. Then, the airport." I said not wanting to go into it further.

"The airport? Why the airport?" He asked concerned.

I could understand that he'd be concerned about me wanting to fly somewhere else after just getting out of the hospital, but he didn't need to be concerned.

"I'm moving to New York. I'm going to apply to NYU for next fall." I said bluntly.

"You can't move to New York, Hannah! I won't let you. Dan won't let you!" He said exasperated.

"It's too bad you and Dan have no say it what I do. I have nothing here for me anymore." I said climbing out of the car and swiftly walking into Dan's house, ignoring the people in the kitchen looking at me in shock.

Take a good look because I won't be here long.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2015 ⏰

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