my heart will go on..02

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the calendar skiped a year and a half and what they shared seemed to good to be true.

he hadn't and he was late for his date with her, and that too on valentine's day. she tried to compel herself to avoid the feeling of anxiety and her cellphone rang. she flinched suddenly, "Yes, he's what? i'll..... i'll be there" she yelled into the phone. she ran to the hospital. his friend told her he had an accident. she was in a state of total confusion and the situation was too mebulous to be fathomed. she was hysterical. rushing to his ward, a few brisk steps and she reached his bed. he suddenly opened his eyes, as if it was so obvious that those footsteps were hers.

he flashed that breath taking smile of his. she took his hand and she gently kissed it. "happy V-day sweetheart Sorry, i couldn't show up for the date. but i still love you", he said, his voice was barely a whisper. She saw the red roses and her favorite chocolates not knowing what to say or what to da. he made his excuse weekly, "hey don't cry, please. I promise you I will never ride my bike this recklessly ever." the room was silent. he wiped away her tears, searched her eyes and found something that he was content with. then he said,"i love you, sweet heart" and slowly shut his eyes, now unconscious for ever. the machines connected to him went haywire.

and today she looks into the mirror and finds that familiar stranger again. today, she's shallow and devastated. she closes her eyes for a moment and hallucinates his musical voice saying,"you are beautiful sweetheart".......

She steps out of her house for the first time in months and makes her way to his grave. "I have to be strong", she mumbles to herself.

she puts down the roses and gets engulfed in his memories once more..

And my heart will go on........Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora