Chapter 2: Peace and blessins

Start from the beginning

"Jack, Leilani, this is Levi, Gage's boyfriend. I explained the situation to you over the phone?" They nodded, turning to me with pity in their eyes. I looked down, clearing my throat awkwardly.

"Uh, nice to meet you. I'm sorry to impose on you like this." It looked like all of them were about to protest to that, but Leilani stepped forward and cupped my face in her hands, taking me by surprise.

"You are not imposing, do not let anyone make you think that. You are welcome here, because you are family now. Don't worry about anything here, alright? You are safe, and loved. Only good vibes allowed." I blinked, staring at her in wonder. We stared at each other awkwardly for a moment before Jack laughed and put his hand on her shoulder, pulling her away from me gently.

"See, we're all nice here kid. Well, Peace is sort of a pain but you'll come to love him." They smiled and led the way into the house. I shook my head, taking Gage's hand and following behind,


After, they gave us a tour of the entire house except for the kitchen and living room because they're making lunch in there. They said lunch was almost ready and to make ourselves at home while we waited. Peace still hadn't shown himself, but Jack assured us when Gage asked where he was that he would be down soon. Joy did come out though, and she was so cute! She sort of floated into the room, grabbed Chloe's hand, and floated away with her. Weird, but cute.

While we waited, Gage and I decided to go to our guest room and put our stuff there. I sighed as I placed my suitcase on the bed. I rubbed my eyes, trying to make them stay open, and dry. I felt Gage's arms come around me, which nearly ruined all my efforts.

"It's going to be okay, Levi. We're safe here. And we're together. That's all that matters." I nodded, trying to make myself believe his words.

"Homoooos." I opened my eyes, and we both turned in confusion to see a very punk looking teenager leaning against the door frame, his face expressionless. He had a toothpick in his mouth, and was steadily rolling it between his lips. "Gaaaayyyy." He drawled again, but it didn't sound malicious. Just bored,

"Five seconds Peace." Gage said, slowly releasing me and stalking towards Peace. He moved away from the door frame with a wicked grin suddenly on his face, running a hand through his spiky black hair.

"Three seconds." At this Peace slammed the door, and you could hear his footsteps running off. Gage opened the door and ran after him, using his long legs as leverage. I peeked around the door, watching as Gage chased him around the hall. Peace wasn't much shorter, but short enough to be caught in seconds flat. I winced as Gage tackled him into a headlock, immediately going for the nuggie form of punishment.

I struggled not to laugh as Gage laughed maniacally, rubbing his fist roughly into Peace's head. I went and leaned against the wall next to them, watching with amusement.

"Get off me fairy boy!" Peace yelled, laughing and struggling with Gage.

"Never!" After a few minutes, Peace finally got the upper hand and Gage let go, falling back and panting. Peace shot up and to my shock grabbed me, swinging me into his arms and running off.

"Hey!" I shouted, as he tossed me into a room and locked the door. He leaned against it, breathing heavily and listening for any signs of Gage. When there were none, which I had mixed feelings about, he relaxed and smirked at me. I stood up from where he tossed me on the floor, crossing my arms and glaring.

"What the hell, man?" He looked surprised. "What?" I rolled my eyes, gesturing to him and me.

"What are you doing?! Let me out." He shook his head.

"No. And that's not what I meant when I said what. I was surprised, I expected you to sound like a girl." I looked at him offended.

"Stereotypical jerk. And your room smells like sadness." I wrinkled my nose, looking around in disdain. He raised an eyebrow.

"Thanks. What's your name by the way?"

"Levi." I said, ignoring the hand reached out for me to shake. He pouted, and I gave him a dry look.

"I'll shake your hand when you let me out."

"Oh. NO.'' He chuckled, listening for Gage again.

"UGH. Couldn't you have just given him a wedgie or something?" He looked back at me in disbelief.

"Are you kidding? He would squish me, no way. He's much bigger than the last time I saw him." Huh.

"When did you last see him?" I asked. He shrugged, a thoughtful look on his face.

"Uh, last summer." Oh, duh. Suddenly there was knocking on the door, and Peace braced himself.

"Peace? Did you kidnap our guest? Open the door, Peace." It was Leilani's voice coming through the door, and I snickered as Peace groaned dramatically and opened the door. Gage stood there smirking and Leilani raised an eyebrow at her son.

"You told my mom? Laaaame homo." I shoved past him, latching onto Gage like a monkey.

"It smelled in there Gage. Like bad vibes." Leilani widened her eyes and walked into his room, making me laugh loudly as Peace scowled at me.

"Peace, it does smell in here. We are talking about this later." Gage and I both smirked. "And don't call your cousin a homo."

"Whatever. Is lunch ready?" She smiled, nodding.

"Yes, you may all come and eat now." She took Peace's hand, and they walked down the stairs together, talking normally. Wow. I would expect any teen to be uncomfortable holding his mom's hand, but I guess not in this family. A feeling of depression washed over me as she reminded me of my mother yet again. I took a deep breath, trying to get rid of the feeling.

"What's wrong?" Gage said, turning to face me with concern in his eyes.

"Nothing." I said, but he saw right through me. Again.

"Don't lie to me. Something is bothering you, and I know it's not Wiggins right now. So, what is it?" He said, raising an eyebrow and waiting. I pouted, looking down.

"Stupid boyfriend, knowing me so well. I'll tell you later, okay? I don't want to ruin our first day here, like I ruin everything."


"Let's just go, alright? I told you, we can talk about it later." I let go of his hand and walked ahead of him, so he wouldn't see the tears I was forcing to stay in my eyes.

Will anything ever be easy for us again? Or will I just keep messing things up? I almost got my friends killed last year, it was just lucky they both made it out alive.

If anything happens to these people because of me, I will never forgive myself.

-----------Ravioli ravioli comment on my storyoli----------

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