And my heart will go on........

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She stared at herself in the mirror and all she found was a stranger's eyes gawking at her. It was fathomable that she was thwarted and wanted more of life. It was very vauge and she couldn't explain that feeling even to herself. There was an akward emptiness in her life, but as her journey went on, a change knocked at her door.......

He was a star, a perfect prince charming-the tall, lithe guy with enchanting eyes. the guy who completed her, with his dazzling face and a crooked smile on his flawless lips. Their lacing each was since the 2nd grade, and he asked her out on their freshman year and she agreed.

They were watching the sun fade to black, the twilight enough to make everything glitter. It was her birthday and he was all she had ever wished for."The sky's beautiful", she said."No, that's an understatement. It's incredible, just like you, sweetheart", he replied." No silly! Really the sky is totally fascinating with all those clouds in those shades. It's magical", she said playfully." It is indeed", he said and they were lost in each other's eyes, as if they could see their souls inside.

And my heart will go on........Where stories live. Discover now