1~ No Gryffindor will have to make to do with a Hufflepuff

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The cold voice of Professors Snape washed across the classroom, filled with his regular seventh year Monday afternoon class. A look of disbelief greeted him as he had just given two months worth of work to be in by Friday afternoon.

"Sir! That's totally unfair! You can't expect us to do all that work on top of all our other subject's work!" Snape hadn't noticed who the objection had come from, but whoever they were they definitely had a detention coming to them.

"Who said that?" He snapped back in reply. He slowly prowled the classroom waiting for a reply, soon enough he was given one in the shape of a boy's hand waving at the back of the room. Snape recognised him as being a 7th year Hufflepuff.

Shame... I could do with getting at a Gryffindor today, but I suppose a Hufflepuff will have to do... Maybe Miss Granger will get an answer wrong so I can give her an outrageously long detention, hmm on second thoughts that's not likely... Insufferable know it all... Or maybe Mr Weasley will fall asleep in class again, yes that would definitely land him with a weeks long detention and twenty points from Gryffindor. At that thought Snape smirked inwardly. He realised that he had left the older Hufflepuff student waiting too long for his punishment for speaking out of term, so he left his thought where they were and continued in dishing out his punishment.

"Mr Parsons I presume." Snape mused as he took another glance at the Hufflepuff boy. The young wizard nodded looking scared out of his wits. Snape smirked at this. In fact it was one of his favourite parts of being a teacher.

"Well Mr Parsons your little outburst has just landed you with a detention please stay after class so I can give you the details." A groan erupted from the boy immediately after Snape had announced the detention.

"What?! But sir I have Quiddich practice!" The boy retorted with anger.

"And now that outburst has just doubled the number of house points that I will be deducting from you! 20 points from Hufflepuff! Oh don't look like that Parsons you know how this works..." Snape smirked as the boy raised his head in disbelief to stare at the potions master. "If I were you Mr Parsons, I would be quite at this point unless you want to lose all of your house's points in one lesson..."

Parsons looked at Snape with hate in his eyes. But Snape being Snape just ignored it and carried on with his lesson. He was used to hate filled looks from his students and he often chuckled at their sincerity. Oh how students hated him and how he hated them... It was a vicious circle really...

By the time the lesson was drawing to a close, Snape had set two more research assignments and an essay on their findings. Although Hermione was looking forward to doing the assignments she did have several questions for Professor Snape so just as Snape began to finish the lesson she stuck her hand up and asked her question.

"Professor, can the two research assignments be linked and then explained in the essay or do they have to be separate and then evaluated separately within the essay's conclusion?" Although it was a good question Snape still gave her a soul piercing stare and then answered.

"Why Ms Granger do you think it is acceptable to raise your hand and then speak. Normally when one raises their hand they wait until their teacher allows them to speak before they launch into questioning. So you will be joining Mr Parsons after class in a detention please stay behind!" Snape was satisfied that he had managed to get at least one Gryffindor in detention today; he was doubly please with himself that he had got know-it-all Granger into an hour and twenty minute long detention. He smirked inwardly at the horror on Hermione's face when he announced the length of the detention. And with that he dismissed the class and was left with Parsons and Granger at their desks.

"Right as you two have had the nerve to disrupt my lesson with unnecessary" Snape glared at Parsons and then carried on, "and unneeded" his gaze rested on Hermione for a moment before continuing once again "question and statements you will be serving an hour and twenty minutes long detention here at 7:40 this evening. Do not on any account be late!" And with that he finished and let the two students go. They rushed out of his classroom not wanting to linger there for a second longer.

As soon as they were out of the door and starting to walk down the corridor the Hufflepuff boy turned to Hermione to speak.

"It's ridiculous that Snape gave us a detention! He's totally out of order!"

"That's Snape for you! Always gives out the worst kind of detentions and for the most ridiculous reasons..." She trailed off realising that she was bad mouthing a teacher, even if that teacher was the 'greasy git' from the dungeons.

"I'm Greg by the way" said the young wizard who held out his hand for Hermione to shake it. She did so and introduced herself. "Oh I know who you are; you're one of Harry Potter's friends aren't you. You helped defeat Voldemort didn't you." It was more of a statement than a question. She blushed slightly and nodded in reply as they drew near the main staircase.

"Well I guess I'll see you after dinner then!" Greg said as turned in the direction of the Hufflepuff common room. "And don't on any account be late!" He said mimicking Snape as he walked away.

Hermione let out a small giggle as she turned and started to climb the already moving staircase.

An unexpected conclusion (SS/HG) - ON HOLDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora