The Prancing Pony

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*Elaine Pov*

Fog. Small fog appeared to my sharp breathing, as it was gently pouring with rain as I ran, limping as I went. The wound on my leg was deep, the cut across my hand was bearable. My thick dark brown cloak kept me dry as I kept running through the forest hoping to lose them. I gave a small sigh of relief as I looked out of the edge of the wood. To see the lights of Bree.

A small village of stone and half timbered houses nestled against a low wooded hill. A thick hedge surrounds the village and a great gate bars the western entrance. I glance down the road sneakily before I ran across limping, approaching the gatehouse. I pounded on the door before the hatch opened as I saw the face of the surly gatekeeper. I had my hood drawn covering half of my face. Preventing him from seeing who I am.

"What do you want?" He snapped grumpily as I rolled my eyes obviously he couldn't see them.

"I'm headed for the prancing pony." I spoke putting on a deep voice as he nodded and closed the hatch. The door soon opened as I limped my way inside, to hear him shut the door as I could feel the gatekeepers lantern hovering over me, bathing me in an uncomfortable yellow spotlight. With a quick suck in of a breath his light went out as he cursed and grumbled before heading back into his hut.

I quickly made my way through the Narrow Streets. Tall buildings tower above me lights glow dimly from behind thick curtains. I gave a small smile to see the familiar sight of the sign of the "PRANCING PONY INN", before I quickened my pace towards it. Walking inside I noticed how busy it was.

It is dimly lit, chiefly from a blazing log fire and crowded with a mixture of big folk, Locals, local Hobbits and a couple of dwarfs. I looked over to see four hobbits that were sitting at a table against the wall, clearly trying to remain quiet and inconspicuous, as one of them kept glancing nervous glances around the room. I raised an eyebrow as I shrugged before I moved up to the counter.

"Butterbur" I smiled as he walked over and we exchanged a quick hug. I was resting my good hand against the counter to take the pressure of my leg as I could feel it slowly healing. My hand had healed since it was only a small cut. However my leg was rather deep so it should take an hour.

"Come, I have your table and your room for you" He smiled as I thanked him. Butterbur was one of the very few people in Middle Earth who tries to help me. I took a seat in the far corner, with a slight shadow casting over me. I had some hot soup, bread and cheese brought to the table and a pint of beer. I ate slowly before I watched the room.

In the far corner across from me I saw a brooding stranger who was sitting alone at his table, smoking a curiously carved long stemmed pipe, peering from beneath a travel stained cowl with gleaming eyes. He held my gaze who a moment as I saw he frowned before Butterbur walked over to me to fill up my empty bowl.

"Thanks. Butterbur, that man in the corner, who is he?" I whispered so quiet even Butterbur nearly didn't hear me.

"He's one of them Rangers; they're dangerous folk they are, wandering the wilds. What his right name is, I never heard, but round here he's known as Strider." He whispered as I nodded before he walked off to serve the busy Inn.

"Baggins? Sure, I know a Baggins...he's over there..." I heard one of the unlocal Hobbits say as he pointed to one of his friends who went wide eyed. I had heard that Frodo Baggins was being hunted by the nine ringwraiths as I felt rather bad for Frodo. I wonder if that is Frodo? I frowned as I watched them as I took a sip. I saw one leaps to his feet and push his way towards the bar.

"Frodo Baggins. He's my second cousin once removed, on his mother's side and my third cousin twice removed on his father's side...if you follow me." The other Hobbit spoke as it confirmed it. That the one pulling at his sleeve making his friend spill his beer was Frodo Baggins.


"Steady on, Frodo!" I heard Pippin snap as I saw Pippin push Frodo away as he stumbles backwards, and falls to the floor. Just then a ring flew up into the air as I felt my birth mark start to burn as I rubbed my shoulder, before I saw the ring slip on his shoulder as he vanished. I gasped as the Inn suddenly erupted in confusion and excited babble.  

I hadn't realized that I was gripping the table before I stifle let go to realize I had set in rather deep marks of where I had gripped the table. I looked back up to notice that Strider and the other three companions of Frodo Baggins had left. Majority of everyone had gone to bed, as it was getting rather quiet before I felt my black band scared skin begin to burn. Oh NO!

I got to my feet, and raced up the stairs and started down the corridor when I heard a sudden bang downstairs as I opened the first door on my left and dashed inside locking it behind me. The uncomfortable pain in my arm grew stronger before I turned round to find myself with a sword at my throat as I noticed it was Strider. Only he didn't have his hood drawn.

"Who are you?" He asked me as I gave a small gulp.

Behind him stood Frodo slightly worried, as I saw his three companions sleeping on his bed. The look in his eye was uncomfortable before the pain started to get worse. I didn't even reach for my sword of even for my bow, before my knees buckled. In the distance the sound of the ringwraiths screaming with rage could be heard. My left arm flung to my right shoulder over the band. My right hand flung to my mouth preventing myself from screaming.

The others sat up staring at me rather confused as Strider sheathed his sword and hesitantly bent down towards me. My leg had finally healed, as I could feel a tear fall down my face. He removed my hood and gasped slightly almost shocked, before he whipped the tear. I prevented myself from screaming again as the Ringwraiths screeches echo across the courtyard from the Hobbits room. I could feel the pain fading as I rubbed my arm preventing Strider from looking.

"She's an Elf. Look Sam!" I heard one of the hobbits whisper loudly as my pointy ears stuck out from behind me tided hair. Frodo was standing by the window, as I weakly got to my feet with thanks to Strider as he helped me to a chair. I kept rubbing my arm as I felt rather pale, as I wish there was something I could do to prevent the pain.

"Where are they?" Frodo asked. I made my way to the window wincing as I watched the Ringwraiths gallop down the Streets of Bree. When they were out of sight and I felt no pain I relaxed slightly still staring out in the darkness.

"They were once men. Great Kings of men. Then Sauron the deceiver gave to them Nine Rings of Power. Blinded by their greed they took them without question, one by one falling into darkness and now they are slaves to his will. They are the Nazgul, Ringwraiths, neither living or dead. At all times they feel the presence of the ring...drawn to the power of the one..they will never stop hunting you." Strider explained as I rubbed my forehead, sighing.

"Who are you?" One of the Hobbits asked me, as I glanced up to see Strider still unsure about whether or not to draw his sword.

"Elaine." I responded as Strider stood up straight.

"As in the wanted?" Strider asked through his gritted teeth as I hesitated.

"I can help lead the ringwraiths away from you. By you time for whenever you journey takes you…" I began before I was cut off by Frodo.

"Why would they follow you?" He asked me as my eyes grew sad, and they all knew it. I rubbed my arm once again before I knelt down to Frodo.

"We both have something they want" I whispered in his ear, as his hand drew to over his pocket as he looked at me as I nodded. I got back to my feet drew my hood and made my way to the door. Strider looked almost like he was having a battle with himself in his head as I opened the door and looked back at them.

"If we meet again may it be on better terms. Good luck Frodo Baggins" I wished them, before I was swift out of the door and down the stairs and out onto the streets of Bree running hoping to draw all the ringwraiths attention to me….

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