Chapter Seven- First Day Of Hell

Start from the beginning

“New people like them should not be around.”

At this point I didn’t care. My responsibility right now as leader is to get Seth out of here before the change happens. If only we could make it. Just as we reached the door Seth dropped into a furry pile right outside the door. I quickly opened the door and Cole pushed him in before Seth knew what happened. Cole Quickly closed the gym’s blinds as Seth circled the gym.

“What are we going to do now? We can’t let him outside because he could hurt someone and we can’t just let him into the hall.” I said as I nervously paced. I was beginning to be like Cole.

“Well we could call someone?”

“We can’t Bentley’s at work; he’s in a meeting today.”

It had just occurred to me that I didn’t really know where he worked. I’d have to ask later.

“One of us has to stay with him and wait for him to change back.”

I took some consideration.

“I’ll stay.”

I knew Cole needed grades more than I did. His parents would kill him if he missed a class, especially since it’s the first day.

“Are you sure you want to do this? I’ll stay if you want me to.”  

“We have English next anyways and I don’t need to have a lecture on how to write. I know enough already.”

“Ok but as soon as class is over I will come back to check on you ok?”

I nodded. Seth sat down beside me as Cole left the room.

“Well I guess it’s you and me until you change back. Got any ideas that doesn’t evolve me going wolf?”

He got up and went over to, what looked like a supplies closet. I walked over and opened the door to find hockey sticks, volleyballs, and tennis balls. Seth picked up a tennis ball and began to wag his tail. I smiled at him and took the ball from his mouth. It was concealed in a layer of spit. It was really gross.

“Seth this is gross.” But he gave me the puppy dog eye and I threw the slimy ball across the gym with great strength.

This went on for about 40 minutes before Seth began to shake again. Suddenly the sound of approaching teens filled my ears. Please don’t come in here. The door began to slide open as I quickly looked for an escape route. The only choice I had that was in running distance was the supply room but for how long. I grabbed Seth’s neck and dragged him into the room just as the entrance door opened. Seth tried his best not to howl out in pain but it did last long. People outside the door were wondering what was in hear. I had to think fast. What am I support to do?

“Think, Lexie, Think!” I whispered to myself.

I really wish I had picked a better option but it was the only thing I could think of at this point. If I was going to get in trouble I guess this would be a good reason. The door slowly opened just as Seth stopped shaking and I hopped onto his lap and began to kiss him. It took him a second to figure out what was happening but when he did he played along too. When the light from the gym lite the room I turned around to face a man that looked to be about 30. I did my best to act surprised.

“What are you two doing? Do you two even go to this school?”

I raised my hand.

“I started today”

Then I saw Cole, Alex, and Taylor standing behind the teacher. I totally forgot we had gym after English.

“You two go to the office now!” his voice echoed in the gym.

I hopped off Seth and helped him up from the floor. We both left the gym in silence and headed towards the principal’s office. When we were out of ear shot of the gym Seth began to speak.

“That was to keep us out of too much trouble wasn’t it?”

“Yeah. I never have got in trouble before but after a while I decided that if I was to ever get in trouble it would have been for that reason.”

Seth stared at me, dumbfounded. Then cocked a sly grin.

“Do you enjoy it?” I turned and punched him in the arm. “Ouch! I was just kidding.”

Something flickered though his eyes but I couldn’t quite make it out before it disappeared. Then rest of our walk was in complete silence, until we saw Principal Gibbs. He looked a lot nicer when we met this morning but now he seemed like he wanted to rip my head off.

“Miss Stewart, I’m surprised. After looking at your records you’re the last person I would suspect to get in trouble.”

I hung my head in fake shame.

“It was my fault. I couldn’t help myself. My love for her was overpowering me.” Seth said

Seth was always the best speaker out of the four of us. Everything he said sounded so real. I knew what he was saying now was to cover for our mishap but he sounded like he meant it.

“Well don’t let it happen again. The rules at your old school may have been different but here at Prescott high we have a “hands off restriction.” Do you understand?” We both nodded. “Now you young lad run along and get back to wherever you should be.”

Seth slid passed Gibbs and went out the front door but not before blowing me a kiss. I did my best not to smile but by the look Gibbs’ face I wasn’t doing a go job. I hurried off towards the gym with my head down trying not to make eye contact with anyone. Suddenly someone ran into me and knocked me to the floor.

“Hey! Watch……..wait. Aren’t you Lexie Stewart?” Said the person who knocked me over.

The voice sounded so familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. When I looked I saw his face I didn’t quit recognize it. His eyes were the darkest blue.

“Do I know you?” I asked very questionably.

“The names Chase. I’m from Damien’s pack.”

“I should have known.” I remember the night I saw him in Damien’s room. His hair was blonde and spiked up. “Do anymore of you go here?” I had to ask. I had to know what we would be dealing with.

“Just me and my brother Chance. We are trying to get football scholarships so we can go to Prescott college.”  I looked down to see that he had on a Prescott high jacket on. “why aren’t you in class right now?”

“Why aren’t you?”

“I…….. Just got here. I came though the fires exit on the other end of the school. Why aren’t you in class?”

“Just trying to protect the secret of the wolf pack life.” I smiled proudly.

“One of your wolves flip out?”


“That’s happening here before. You just shake it off and pretend it never happened and people will forget. The change gets more controllable over time.” He winked. Before I could come back with a witty comment the bell rang signaling that it was time for lunch. “Do you guys want to come sitting me and the team at lunch?”

“Don’t the cheerleaders usually side there to?”


“I would rather not sit with a bunch of boy obsessed teenagers and listen to them talk about the latest fashion and which boy is cuter.”

“Alright I’ll see you in math.” He turned to walk away.

“Hey! How did you know I had math?”

“Your schedule is sticking out of your pocket.” Then he disappeared into the crowd of people just as they began to assemble for lunch.

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