Amora Riddle

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Aria's POV
I woke up before the sun did. I yawned and stretched, cracking my back painfully. I gasped as the pain radiated through my back but stifled it, not wanting to awake the other girls. I grabbed my robes, tooth brush and hairbrush and quietly headed to the showers. On my way out, I stubbed my toe on a History of Hogwarts Book and let out a loud gasp of pain. Today was just not my day. I reached the door and opened it, with a loud creaking sound, that woke up the same brunette girl who had been in the dormitory the night before. She rolled over, looked at me and fell back to sleep. I prayed to Merlin that she would stay sleeping and let me peacefully shower.

I finally got to the showers, to be greeted by the brunette girl who I had accidentally woken up before. She had just a towel wrapped around her thin form so I assumed she was about to get in. She smiled and shook my hand. "Hi! Im Penelope Longbottom! But my friends call me Penny or Elope." She smiled gently. My eyes widened with recognition of her last name. My heart began to pound and I smiled and bowed my head, rushing into the showers as fast as I could.

When I finally stepped into the showers, I turned the water on full blast and let it run down into my eyes. After everything that had happened in the last two days, it felt as if all my worries washed away with the water. I grabbed my soap bottle, about to open it when the shower door slammed open. I let out a sound and scrambled to shut off the water.

I curled myself in a ball in the corner of the shower and tried to slow my pulse. Every breathe I took, a footstep followed. There was someone in here and I don't think they came here for the luxury of a shower either.

Suddenly, the footsteps faltered. Right in front of my shower door. I held my breathe and the door was blasted right off of its hinges. Something cold, colder then the shower tiles, grazed my arm and thats when the lights busted and I passed out.

~~~Aria's Vision~~~

I was in another room. This room was completely sterile and white. No windows, no doors. No way out. I looked down at what I was wearing and it was still my Gryffindor robes from before. I heard a screaming coming from the doorway and twisted my body to look for the sound. A young woman was standing in the doorway and she had a grin on her face that was full of insanity. She wasn't looking at me though. I repositioned my body and saw a small man cowering in the corner. "Peter, Peter, Peter.... I don't know how you managed to live but you will wish you were dead once I'm done with you." The lady crooned to the man who I assume was Peter. "Of course! What reason should you have to fear me?! Im just a little lady, right? WRONG! Im sure Tom never mentioned me but, I'm his sister. Amora Riddle, and I plan to do exactly what my failure of a brother couldn't." sneered the lady. And to finish off her rant, she screamed, "CRUCIO" and that's when I woke up.
I opened my eyes and was greeted by a white ceiling and pale fluorescent lights. I sat up and immediately laid back down as a sharp pain shot through my head and leg and wrist. I groaned and turned my head and was greeted by Madam Pomfrey. "Hello Aria, I advise you stay as still as possible. It seems you have a minor concussion and you fractured your wrist as well as a small break to you leg." The kind nurse smiled and poured a foul smelling liquid into a goblet. "This is Skele-Gro. A potion designed to accelerate bone growth when broken." I nodded and threw my head back, swallowing it with a grimace as a burning sensation seared her throat. I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut. Then a familiar voice interrupted my thoughts, "Harry had the same reaction when he drank Skele-Gro for the first time." I turned my head and was utterly shocked to see Uncle Ron lying in the bed next to me with a cast on his leg. "Hi Aria." He said with a smile

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