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After a long practice Bomi will finally debut as a singer. dreams imagined all this time will eventually become a reality. Bomi will debut in the group called Apink along with 6 other people. Lead by Park Chorong and followed by 5 other members of Jung Eunji, Son Naeun, Kim Namjoo, Oh Hayoung and Hong Yookyung. Heavy duty shouldered by Bomi because she is lead vocals and she is also a main dancer for the group.

"I'm afraid if i cant'n do it I could," said Bomi to group members

"You have  not to worry about this anymore we will do together because we are ini one group" said the head of the group chorong

"We start our training again. we can not waste any more time because we only have two weeks away, "said eunji

They practiced day and night for its best performance for the first time. They also need to take care of their health in order to remain healthy until the day debut.

Three days before the debut. Apink increasingly filled with pressure. One only going to freak out a little. Hayoung to dance the most guilty. she was preoccupied with Chorong scolded.

"You know that we're going to debut soon you'll have to concentrate fully on the dance movements of the body do not create one," said Chorong ith a relatively firm tone

"I'm sorry I did not do it intentionally," said Hayoung

"We start again. I will keep looking at you Hayoung "said Chorong

After the completion of training for the day it all stop and relax the body being too tired due to practice from morning till late at night. Hayoung cannot hold tears because too depressed due to be angry.

"You should not be a cry like this " eunji

"I just feel so guilty because I made one of the most widely for the group" said Hayoung

"We both made a mistake. We are here to do our best to absolutely sure debut was successful in this, "said Namjoo

"you dont you cry. You are the youngest in this group. you must joyful for your sisters. I don't want to see you cry like this you must to be happy "said Chorong while during Hayoung

Pound-awaited day has arrived today that will debut as a singer. So far only a dream to be a singer we will become a reality. on April 19, 2011 will be a significant draw for all members of the group apink

Another 10 minutes for noncompliance up stage. "Fleeting gathered here" call Chorong to collect all apink member

"We start with the spirit of the first group we stand for a group called apink we do our best for the sake of their families," said the head of Chorong

"We will do our best," said eunji

"1 2 3 apink fighting" said all seven girls will debut as apink '

They were so excited on the stage with performances of songs "Mollayo" debut song for apink. on completion of their first show. They find it very Good. but they are busy with promoting their first album called "Seven Spring Of Apink"

They start with many promotion activities for promoting their album . they has no time to

connect with family and friends

Once in a while bomi feel homesick .Bomi miss hyun to much but they were both busy with their own things. They can not be met even if they are close. Only occasionally Bomi just send a short message to hyun to say hello

Finally apink expired promote their album so they have a lot of very time available. In the evening Bomi no schedule so she was at home. Suddenly her phone ring. He was such a joy when seeing the name "Hyun oppa" she immediately lift the phone

"Oppa .. I really miss you," said Bomi half scream

"I miss you to boma" said hyun spoiled

"What did you do today ,. Have you eaten yet? "Asked hyun

"I've been eating this morning. I have to take care of my body "responsible Bomi

"You have to take care of your body. you know that you are fat . if you still like this no one will like you" quipped hyun

"you love me." Bomi cheekily replied "why you call me appa" Ask Bomi

"I want you to know i will debut soon in three weeks from now," said a delighted hyun

"Eventually you're going to debut as a singer. I'll see you later performances, "said Bomi

"If you do not see my first debut i will kill you later . I have to go. I'll call you again okay, do not forget me "said hyun

After finishing talking on the phone with hyun . Bomi feel someone is standing behind her and when she turned she see Chorong was standing right behind her, looking at her with sharply towards

"Chorong what are you doing at my back " Ask Bomi why she was surprised

"Who were you talking to" Ask Chorong

"i just talk With friends why Chorong" Bomi try to fool Chorong

"I know one thing you do not" ask Chorong

"What" Ask Bomi while scratching to

"In many things you didnt know how it is to be deceptive. so good you not to lie to me. tell to me who are talking with " Chorong seriously Preferences

"Actually ...

No time to explain for chorang because the manager was calling them because they have schedul for tv show. Bomi smile so happy because this time she missed

she smiles without her conscious middle Chorong look at her with a feeling of dissatisfaction. Chorong up and whispered at bomi ear, "you may be can run right now. But I would make sure you would the lass time for you, "said Chorong and passed " scary "whispered the her heart

Finally it was time for Hyun debut along with 11 other group members. They called EXO Group. on the time of the show all apink member is sitting in front of the television because they have no schedule for that day . but they're looking weekly idol when. that was the favorite show for all apink member . bomi to scere to switch the television  but she have to do that when it's time was come she just press to switch the television to see ingkigayo. But Bomi scolded by another member.

"I want to see weekly idol unni " said Namjoo

"please let me see ingkigayo for this time " bomi asked

"give to me remote television right now Bomi" said Chorong

"Do not want" for a short while hiding remode Bomi television

They have no choice They had to see also when the group arrived for the presentation Bomi too excited. so that their actions do all other members felt that something was not right with bomi. When finished watching ingkigayo Bomi submit the remored television to Hayoung have tried to escape when she felt all member apink look at her with a little bit scary eyes

hope you will enjoy part 2 this stort have 7 part so i will update little by little of this story

my english is not to much good..but i hope you can understand

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