Who it's him?

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December 5, 2015, I was on duty that night completely lost among so many bippers. My life was basically governed by that little noise inside my coat pocket, and basically invaded my soul all the time I heard it. My last year of residency, my mind survived that run even if my body screamed for rest, I do not forget who I was, which meant every time they called me.

I ran wildly through the corridors of the hospital, the elevator was far away and I could not wait, I ran up the stairs to reach my patient room more critical, and then I realized that the team had already been declared. Time of death: 0:02. A living hell, the greatest frustrations. I was working on that case for two weeks straight, almost without stopping, I slept and woke up in hospital, lived in that ICU. He needed to survive and did not. The day was already hard to become even worse.

For a few seconds the feeling and sadness for lost him lost invaded me and I felt as if the whole world does not make much sense so a malaise terrible took over my body, I leaned on the doorjamb, put the hand on my chest, trying to relieve the pressure that burst inside me, and before I had time to feel my grief, my paiger again touched, it was time to go back to being a surgeon I had prepared myself to be the lifetime, and forget my loss. I took necessary breath, asked to prepare the body, and rushed to the trauma, another motorcycle accident had appeared.

Finally my shift was over and I ran home. My apartment was crazy, and as much as I paid someone to keep it in place, I was there to mess with my crazy routine.

As soon as I got home, I threw myself on the sofa, my dog ​​ran to greet me, and as much as was full of good will to repay the happiness it felt to see me, I had no strength for anything. My phone rang and I was going to cry if you saw the number of a patient on it but, luckily was only my fiance.

_Baby... _ He looked worried after so many attempts, I was so busy thinking about how I wanted to hang up that phone did not pay attention to his call.

_Hi! Sorry ... _Respondi after waking up from my coma almost to sit for the first time in 12 hours.

_Where are you?

_I am here

_My Mother called me. She's waiting for us at the weekend. I can buy our tickets? _ I was taking my clothes and trying to listen through the living voice your question.

_Baby! I'm on call this weekend, hoping to _I was wit for a disappointed reaction. I realized I was right when I got no response. His silence said it all. _Could be next weekend?

_Rachel! I don't think my niece will wait for you until next week to be born. _I stop what I was doing when I heard the harshness in his voice.

_I know. I did not want to be working, but have nothing to do. _ I was feeling so guilty that even picked up the phone, to listen better.

_ I'll call her and say we will not going. _He was already so used to this situation that did not try to waste his time convincing me to go. I clearly realize their fatigue.

_You can go. Is your niece will born. You can not miss it because of me.

After a few minutes I convinced him to go without me. It was a very special and unique moment. I would feel awful to think that he was losing it all because I was working. In recent years I relied on his patience. Count with his support, but it did not deprive us from fatigue, wear in this trelationship. Our differences, led us to fights and more fights. We were always negotiating tirelessly. Our relationship survived agreements, games, and most of the time I go out winning. He supported my routine and I tried to compensate his patience with the few minutes I had to offer. I was already tired. He was already on the edge. I did not know it would be like going forward. We get married, the residence would be finished. He seriously trusted that it would make us feel better. And I recognized my life, and was almost certain that everything would be worsen.

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