As Lauren pulls out her laptop, she sneaks a peek at the desk behind her. She knew those brown eyes were on her back, but Lauren's eyes seemed to gravitate right towards her lips. As if on instinct Camila's tongue swipes out, wetting her lips. The green eyed girl never seemed to focus on her mouth but this time she did, and something seemed oddly familiar. The pink tint of her mouth, the plumpness, it's almost like she could remember the feeling of Camila's lips on hers but that wouldn't make sense, Lauren wouldn't kiss that bitch. It clicked together all too soon and she realized that she had seen those lips the night before, crashing against her own.

Before Lauren knew it her green eyes were travelling over the girl's long hair, and she instantly remembered the feel of it threaded through her fingers, and then were her hips, Jesus Christ, her hips. The feeling of Camila's hips grinding into her own was prominent in the green eyed girls mind. As Lauren came back to reality she soon realized that Camila was staring right back into her emerald eyes, she quickly whips around in her seat, her face flushed, but from what? Embarrassment? Not necessarily. Maybe something deeper, she soon notices how fast her heart is racing after remembering the dream. Lust? No, definitely not.

The green eyed girl quickly tries to throw herself into a fantasy world of her own as she begins aimlessly typing on her laptop, ignoring the pairs of eyes she feels on her. Eventually she stuffs her ear-buds in her ears to ensure her concentration. Her hands soon spew out part of a messy free-write, as Lauren's eyes scan over it she raises a brow in surprise at the quality, maybe it could become something more.

The girl's thoughts are instantly interrupted by an abrupt tap on her shoulder. Lauren could feel the walls of her creativity kingdom crashing down around her, making her flare up in anger. She quickly rips a headphone from one ear and snaps at the stranger. "What?!" The guy who recently decided to sit next to Lauren gives her an amused expression, pissing the green eyed girl off even further. 

"What am I supposed to be doing?" The guy jokes.

Lauren rolls her eyes, trying her hardest to keep her patience. "Writing, now fuck off." The girl shoves the headphone back in her ear, expecting the guy to get the hint. He didn't.

The annoying boy continued to tap Lauren's knee until she was about ready to explode. "What the hell do you want?" Lauren hisses, ripping both ear-buds from her ears.

"Do you want to get some coffee later?"

"What the fuck?" Lauren mutters in response, she quickly picks up her things and rushes to a seat a few rows back. As she looks back at her laptop the green eyed girl realizes that her flow is gone, she's officially stuck.

A trick for writer's block that Lauren had heard once was to just type your name over and over until your brain can't take it anymore and it just starts spewing ideas. The green eyed girl soon began testing it.

Lauren, Lauren, Lauren, Lauren, Lauren

The green eyed girl looks up from her computer, noticing the interaction happening before her. The coven seemed to be occupied laughing along with the sleaze bag testing Lauren's patience. The girl slowed her typing as she heard the blonde.

"You know she's a lesbian right?"

The guy turns in Jackie's direction. "Seriously?"

"Yeah good luck hitting that." The boy sighs and sits in thought for a moment.

"Maybe she'll let me watch her with a chick," the guy smirks, making the blonde whore jokingly swat at his arm and laugh. Green eyes wander over to Camila and she's slumped back in her chair, an annoyed expression gracing her features.

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