Chapter 2: Spying

Start from the beginning

"How'd you do that?" Toby asks me.

"Well, when you help your mother make dinner every now and then, you tend to recognize smells of the raw ingredients put together," I say, ruffling his hair. He swats my hand away. Connor looks at the time on his phone.

"Mrs. McDonough, would you like some help?" I ask. She nods her head.

"Mark's going to be home soon, so he can take over one he gets here," she says. I nod and wash my hands at the sink.

After I dry them off, I clean the potatoes. I dice them, throwing them into the giant pot. Once I'm done cutting them all, I fill the pot with water and put it on the stove to boil. I then start cutting the carrots after I peeled them. I hear the front door open, and a man that looks like an older version of Toby walks in.

"Honey, I'm home," he sings. Mrs. McDonough chuckles and gives him a peck on the lips before going back to cutting onions. The man turns to me.

"You must be Emily. Mark McDonough, at your service," he says, holding out his hand. I shake it.

"It's a pleasure to meet you sir," I say. He smiles.

"Pretty AND polite. Connor found a keeper," he says, causing me to blush.

"Emily, Mark can take it over from here. You can go hang out with Connor now. Tell him that we're using the fire pit once the sun sets," Mrs. McDonough says. I wash my hands in the sink again.

"Thank you, I will," I say, and I walk down the hallway to Connor's room.

       I open the door, and the couch is turned around to face the TV. I sit down next to him and watch whatever show is on. Connor wraps his arm around my shoulder, and I rest my head on his shoulder. He rests his head against mine, but no dry spitting this time because my hair is in a ponytail. I'm about to fall asleep when we're called to dinner.

"Did you pack a sweatshirt?" Connor asks. I search through my suitcase and shake my head. He hands me an extra.

"Wear one of mine," he says smiling down at me. I smile back and put it on. It smells just like him, so I immediately get comfort from it.

We walk outside and sit on one of the benches. Riley, Izzy, and Toby come out shortly after, sitting around the fire. Connor's hand snakes into mine, intertwining our fingers. He runs the back of my hand with his thumb, and it's so soothing.

"You really like holding my hand," I say. He chuckles.

"It's comforting. It's so that I know you're there," he says. I squeeze his hand.

"I would never leave you," I whisper. I look at him, and he smiles at me. Once again,I rest my head on his shoulder, and he rests his head against mine.

I could get used to this.

Izzy's POV

Around 7:30pm

"Hey mom!" I hear Riley's voice echo through the kitchen. "Have you seen Izzy?" He sounded so depressed, or was that worriment. 

"No, honey I haven't. I thought she was with you."

"No, I haven't seen her, since I um...nevermind." I hear Riley's feet glide across the kitchen floor.           

You are probably wondering where I was, and why I was hiding from the world's most perfect boy. Am I right? Well, you see I was in a closet. Yes, a closet. As weird as it sounds, I find comfort in sitting in a closet. It's the perfect place to just chill, and not be bothered. Why was I in here? Well, I nearly died, and lets all pray the lord that the wonderful Emily and Connor came to rescue me. I swear Emily can sense when I am in need of her. I have a fear. Just like any other person on this earth, I have a fear. When Emily and Connor barged through the door, I couldn't be any happier. I knew exactly what Riley was going to say. I am Gay. Just kidding, boy do I wish he would have said that. No, he was going to use the three words I dreaded most,  I love you. I don't know what it is about those words, but when a guy says them to me, all I want to do is run as far away from him as I possibly can. Those three words are just thrown around, they aren't what people think they mean. I beileve people say them, just to say them. Boys, claim they mean them, and maybe they do at that moment, but in another month or so will they still mean it? I don't think so. Those words can make or break a realtionship, and no matter what it always breaks mine. I may say them back, and I may mean them at that particular moment, but when we break up it's just like those words were never said. Couples always forget the good times, in a realtionship, well at least when they break up, and that's why I dont say those words. They aren't meant to be said, well not atleast until you KNOW you will mean it within another three months, or so.    

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