The Run

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I walked down the hallway of my new school, Price Highschool. The halls a off white color and the tiling brown and green, the lockers a yucky barf green. My nose wrinkled slightly at the look. Silently, I cussed my dad out for putting me here, a hicked out town. I couldn't really fault him though, rogues had to run constantly so I understood. I walked towards the office, recieving looks from the kids here. Dirty looks at that. Damn, I know I'm not the only bad kid here. I mean this is a school for the troubled and outcasts, also known as delinquents.

Walking into the office the secertary looked up at the jingle the door made. Her brown hair up in a professional bun, her brown eyes searching and smart. I smiled at her, but I bet it looked as if i wanted to bite her head off, I grimced at her reaction.


"Tera Heart ma'am" I looked down as she looked my name up and got my papers all ready for me. Once she was done, she nodded her head. I took that as my que and walked out of the office.

Trying to find my locker was giving me a headache and when I bumbed into a muscled chest and heard a girl chuckle, I looked up. Big mistake I shouted in my head. The blonde that chuckled was model thin and hanging on Muscle Man. His black hair and winter green eyes flashed anger at me, his biceps bulged. I backed up fast, keeping my head low and looking at the ground and his DC shoes.

"Watch out slut, I know he's hot but he's mine." Said the blonde bimbo. I looked up at her and smelled that they were wolves. Shit Tera high tail that ass out! Yelled my wolf as her black body paced her cage in my head.

"SS-Sorry, I-I didn't m-mean t-to." I stumbled my speech to make me look like a fool, it worked she laughed.

"Awe, how cute It stutters!" Laughs came from around me and I looked all the way up with a smirk.

"No Darling, Your beauty made me speechless." I hooted in my head over her bulging eyes and gapping mouth and the gasps from other girls. She looked like a fish, out of water trying to breath. "Speechless love? Well, I have that afffect!" I laughed and turned to walk around but a strong arm grabbed me.

"You will apologize to my girlfriend!" Muscle Man finnaly speaks. His husky voice filled my head and I shook my head at him and turned to walk away, again.

"By the way Muscle Man, I wasn't making a pass at your girl. Just seemed like she needed the complement." Blonde Bimbo huffed and I started to walk away down the hall. I heard her call me a slut and gay. I flicked her the bird and smirked at her gasp.

Aren't you sweet? Darling? Seriously Tera! WE like male, strong men who care for us.

'They don't excist for us, rogues remember?'

Because your dad dragged us away from our family! OUR PACK!

'They kicked him out! He didn't do what they said he did!'

I won that battle with my wolf as I walked into my first class. The Teacher was dressed in a skirt and blouse. She looked over at me in her glasses, her blonde hair flowing down her back.

"Miss Heart I prosume?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Well, Miss Heart I'm Mrs. Feck. Please take a seat anywear you would like."

I nodded and walked to the back, people snickered at me and whispered how I was gay. I smirked, they didn't know a joke when it hit them... The only seat in the back left was next to another muscle maniac. His black hair was wavy and fell into his pretty blue eyes, his jaw slightly squared, his nose crooked like he had been in fights. I sat in my seat and faced the front, I felt his eyes on me and looked over raising an eyebrow at him. He shrugged and looked foward.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2013 ⏰

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