Chapter 2: Emotions

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I get myself dressed as fast as possible so I could see what was up with Timmy. Me and him have been friends since before the whole younow thing. So I automatically worry about why he's crying.

I'm dressed in morning special. A loose grey tank top and tights. I jog down the stairs and before my mom could ask where I was going I was already out the door. I'm actually kind of nervous because it could be anything like Timmy cries over the stupidest things sometimes.

I slowly walk up to his from door and ring the door bell. Within seconds Timmy opens the door and throws his arms around me like he hasn't seen me in years. His hug is warm but I'm worried.

I put my arms around him and hold him as I rub my hands up and down his back. I reassure him everything will be ok.

I finally pull away to speak face to face.
" what's wrong Timmy? I heard you crying from my bed room window? Is everything ok?" I say softly.

He looks up , eyes red from crying. I wipe away his tears and he pulls me inside and directs me upstairs.

He turns to me " I'll be up in a s-second I just need some water" he stutters and sniffs as he walks to his kitchen.

I walk up the stairs and I'm thinking to myself what could he be crying about after a broadcast.

A million things run through my mind and I'm just starting to freak myself out. I sit on his floor and wait for him to walk in.

Moments later , Timmy walks in with two drinks. Both just water.

I look up and give him a small smile for the kind gesture. I take a sip and wait for him to speak but nothing comes.

"Uh , is everything ok?" I ask as I'm fidgeting with my hands.

It's what I do when I get nervous.

Timmy looks up at me with a sad expression.

" everything just seems to be too good you know? Like I have all these supporters and all these people watching me everyday. It's almost too good to be true and I-" his voice starts to shake and see another tear run down his cheek "...I just love all of them so much and they all make me so fucking happy it's ridicules." He finishes as another tear rolls down his cheek.

He's always crying to me about this and I know what he means. He just can't believe people actually like and support him and love him so much.

" They all love you just as much Timmy.." I bring him into a hug "..and it will only get better and bigger from here." I say with a small smile.

I could tell something else was up but I'll leave that for another time. I don't feel like putting more pressure on him.

He smiles. " I just can't believe it like its so unreal sometimes. Thanks for checking up on me and see if I was ok. I know I've cried to you before about this. Sorry about that. " he shots me a smile and I'm happy that it wasn't something more.

....but I wanna ask him one thing.

"....are you sure that's why you were crying?" I ask with no hesitation but I have to know.

He looks at me with a shocked expression. His cheeks get red and he giggles to himself.

"You'll know soon don't worry" he smirks.

I hate to end it here but the next chapter will be more exciting and fun , this was just something leading up to it.

I hope you liked it ahah ;))

Don't forget you can tweet me and ask me any questions you have

@ gigi23bubblez

Until next time

- daphne 💜

Boy Next Door // Timmy Connors fanfiction ;)Where stories live. Discover now