Chapter 3

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Anise and I have been laying around the apartment all day watching movies and eating random sweet stuff in our pajamas. I guess when your parents still pay your bills for the next three months you can do that. Anise has a job interview at some upscale computer company in town and I really hope she gets the job. Anise and I have been best friends since the third grade, I look to her as my sister so of course I only wish the best for her. She has been my rock through everything like when we got our hearts broken for the first time, the lost or her grandma and my grandpa and even when I broke my arm climbing a tree. Anise was an only child and so was I so naturally we just became sisters and depended on each other.

I remember freshman year when we sat our parents down and literally begged them to let us get an apartment together during our college years so we can have the full college experience as if we were abroad. They agreed after some long hard convincing that it wasn't going to affect with school work. It wasn't as of they couldn't afford it, my dad Lionel was a cardiologist and my mom Patricia had three boutiques. Anise's dad Robert was a dentist and her mom Maaya was his dental assistance and they had there own dental office. So money wasn't an issue it was just for them to trust us.

"Lils" Anise called to me and I looked "what you so deep in thought about?"

"Just thinking about the day we convinced our parents to let us move in together" and she laughed.

The rest of the day dragged on slowly. Me and Shawn have been sending text messages back and forth all day. I can't wait for Saturday to see him with that cute smile again and to think I wasn't going to give him the time of day.

Anise decided she had had enough sweets for one day and decided to cook dinner. I wasn't to much of a cook so we had a deal she cooked and cleaned. Living with my best friend was awesome I wouldn't have had it any other way. While Anise cooked I sat at the table texting Shawn

*So how should I dress for Saturday? *

*Baby, anything you wear will look gorgeous on you but casual will do the trick for Saturday*

*Ok, So how was your day.*

*Filled with thoughts of you.*

*Blushing lol*

*Oh wat I would do to see that smile right now*

*Maybe you should come see me!*

*You kno what baby?! I will! How's 8 sound? *

*Great to me :D*

*See you then gorgeous *

When I look up from my phone Anise is giving me this huge smile and we both burst into laughter.

"See, what would you do with out me?" she said referring to the fact that if it wasn't for her pushing me I wouldn't be talking to Shawn now.

"Oh Anise probably die a slow death of loneliness and starvation" I said sarcastically and start laughing.

"We'll ain't that the truth" She teases and stick out her tongue so I do it back.

As the time got closer and closer to 8 o'clock I got more anxious and nervous. I was like a kid waiting to go on there favorite ride at the carnival. I've never really felt this way before even not for Corey but there was something about Shawn I just clicked with.

Anise and I have just finished eating and I was drilling her on interview questions while we waited for Shawn to arrive. Anise had it all down pack and was ready just when I had ask the last question on the list there was a knock on the door.

"Wonder who that would be?" Anise teases and I blush.

"Coming" I shouted to wards the door. I got up and walked to the door first peeking through the little hole to make sure it was Shawn and then stepped back and open the door.

"Hi" I said sweetly to Shawn and I flushed when he smiled.

"Hi beautiful" he said while pulling me in for a hug. He smelled so good I didn't want to pull away. When he let's me go I direct him over to the sofa.

"Hey Shawn" Anise said waving like a five year old.

"What's up? " Shawn said to Anise.

" Just preparing for an interview tomorrow " Anise said while standing up and walking out the room.

"Good luck" he said back to her.

When Anise was out the room we sat in awkward silence for awhile just smiling like two crazy people. So I decided to break the silence.

"Are you hungry? Anise cooked some chicken fettuccine if you would like some? "

"No thanks babe. I grabbed something after work and I'm still stuffed"


From then on the conversation just flowed. He had pulled me in his lap somewhere between our conversation on animals and who was going to win on Family Fred because that what we were watching. I was comfortable in his embrace and I liked how he sneaked kisses on my cheek every couple minutes. It was like he was high off of me and little did he know I was same.

We sat there talking and until we drifted off into a comfortable sleep wrapped around each other. When I felt him move and kissed my forehead it was after 4 in the morning.

"I gatta go baby" he whispered and I pouted like a six year old. "I know I know, baby but I have work in less than 3 hours".

"Alright, I wish you didn't have to go" I said with a sleepy voice and that's when it happened our first kissed. His thick lips sucked on my bottom lip then my top lip sending chills through my body. I opened my mouth slightly giving his tongue access and he claims my mouth as his. No one has ever kissed me like this before and I loved it. When he pulls away he's looking at me with passion and lust in his eyes and I assume I'm mirroring his expression.

"I'll see you Saturday" he says and peck me on my lips and leaving.

As his car pulls out the drive way I peek out the window wishing he didn't have to leave. I was starting to get genuine feelings towards him. I walked back over to chair and laid down but it just wasn't the same without him there so I got up and went to my room. I laid down staring at the ceiling with thought of Shawn. I was like a teenager with her first crush and I couldn't believe someone had me feeling this way. A notification came through on my phone and I saw I had two messages one from Corey that I instantly deleted and the other from Shawn.

*Home wishing I was still with you sweet lips. Xo*

I giggled at his message for a bit then replied.

*I hope I don't cause you to be late for work and enjoy your day I'm off to bed. Night night "

*Good night babes Xo*

So now I'm laying down smiling like an idiot. This man whom I've only met two days ago has me feeling this way so soon. Usually it takes me weeks to actually think about giving someone a chance and here I am counting down the minutes to see him again. I drift off into a deep slumber.

Flowers everywhere I turn and then I see Shawn he's walking up to me smiling showing those gold teeth on his k9s. He says "Hi beautiful" then crashes his lips into mine and we sink to the floor rolling around in the garden full of flowers. Shawn feels so good and he smells good to. I pull away from the kiss to tell him but his face turns to Corey and I pitch. "Where's Shawn?" I say and he looks at me puzzled. "SAVE ME" Corey began screaming over and over again. "SAVE ME, LILY"

When I wake I'm puzzled by my dream and then Anise bust through my door with tears in her eyes and she looks at me and says.

"Corey... "

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