Sweet Little Libby

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I sighed. "If you would like to play house with us."

Libby nodded with a smile on her face.

Isaac squat down to meet Libby's eye level and stuck out his hand. "Hi Libby, I'm Isaac." She hesitated before taking his hand. "I'd love to play house with you." Isaac smiled, Libby mirroring his.

"Who am I?" Isaac asked.

"Can you be daddy?" Libby mumbled shyly.

"Of course, sweetheart."

"But no kissing mommy! Kissing is yucky!" She stuck her tongue out in disgust.

Isaac laughed. He stood up and looked at me. "I'm guessing you're mommy?" Isaac smirked.

My insides cringed. "Don't get any ideas, Lahey."

"Well, what's the first order of business, daughter?" Isaac asked Libby. She pointed at the jungle gym across the yard. Isaac nodded. "But how will we ever get there?" Isaac asked sarcastically, making me roll my eyes. "How about..." Isaac immediately put his hands under her arms and lightly tossed her up in the air. "Flying like an airplane?!" Libby squealed as Isaac caught her and swung her in the air, all the way to the slide.

"Come on, mommy!" Libby yelled in between giggles, her short arms flapping in the air, with the wind beneath her arms.

"Yeah, come on, mommy!" Isaac looked back.

For the next two hours, Isaac proved me wrong. He was fun, patient, and a kid at heart. He went above and beyond with Libby and her imaginations. He ran through the jungle gym with Libby, pretending to run away from the bad flying monkeys. He slid down the slide with Libby on his lap, locking his arms around her to make sure she doesn't fall as she lift her hands up like she was on a rollercoaster. Libby made her way through the monkey bars while Isaac held her up by the waist. But Isaac was also kind, gentle, and caring. When she missed a step on the ladder, she lost her balance, which caused her to fall off the jungle gym and scraped her knee. Isaac quickly rushed to her to make sure she was okay, cleaned up her cut, and wiped the tears away.

I couldn't help but see Isaac in a different light. Why does he seem like such an arrogant jerk at school? Why is he afraid of showing this side of himself to others? There's nothing wrong with that. Is he afraid his friends will make fun of him for being sensitive? If he would just show this side of himself, people would like him for who he is, not by the idea of him.

"She's a great kid," Isaac said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I looked away from Libby and looked at Isaac. "Yeah, she really is."

"And you two seem to be close."

I looked back at Libby and smiled. "We are. She's like the little sister I never had."

"How often do you volunteer?"

"Only Monday through Thursday. I work on the weekends."

Before Isaac could respond, Libby came rushing towards us.

"I had a lot of fun today, mommy and daddy!" Libby giggled.

"Me too." Isaac and I said in unison. Isaac grinned at me, while I tried to fight back the giggle trying to escape my mouth.

"Lahey!" Coach Finstock yelled. Libby immediately hid behind Isaac's leg, wrapping her arms around his left leg. Coach Finstock saw Libby and squat down to meet her eye leveled. "Hi-ya, sport! What's your name?"

Libby hid her face behind Isaac, her shyness completely taking over.

"I don't bite." Coach said. Libby shook her head, making Coach Finstock stand up and look at Isaac. "Say goodbye to the little nugget. Bus is taking off in 2 minutes!"

Teen Wolf's Isaac Lahey x Reader ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora