Chapter 1: Once Again

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+ Cross Academy +

* Ayane's pov *

The car came to a stop, I felt my eyes slowly open. "Miss we're here" the driver stated. I got out the car and the view in front of me took my breath away.

Cross Academy.

The building looked more like a palace than a school

I heard the roar of the engine slowly fade away,and then there was silence.

"Ayane" the silence was broken.

I knew that voice.

I turned around "hey Zero nice to see you again".

We stared at each other for what seemed to be hours. You could hear the sound of the branches moving from the wind, the sound of water moving from a nearby fountain.

Zero then rushed forward and engulfed me in a hug.

My arms instinctively wrapped around his neck, we stood their mumbling each other names. We slowly let go of each other, and stared into each other's eyes.

" So how about you take me to the headmasters office" I muttered with a grin etched across my face. He stared at me then a small smile appeared on his face as he lifted my bags.

He was leading the way and I was following, just like when we were kids.

Once again we're finally able to see each other.

+ Headmaster's office +

* 3rd person *

Ayane had quickly opened the door and was immediately tackled in a hug.
"Oh crap, I screwed up" Ayane muttered.

The headmaster held her tight and began spinning her around.

Before Ayane could blink the headmaster was kicked into the wall. Kaien slowly slid down the wall with his mouth wide open.

"What the hell!" she turned around and was met face to face with a pissed off Zero Kiryu. His face was scrunched up in anger, and his breathing was labored. "Don't touch her like that!". Ayane was shocked. She had never seen Zero act like this before when they were kids. Something was going with Zero, he wasn't the same person she knew as a kid.

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