Jasmine Villegas Pool Party & Rebbeca Gomez Slumber Party

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Jasmine V: Becky may you please get ready for my pool party? Austin Mahone, Mitchell Hope are gonna be there.

Me: Okay. Gets ready for Jasmine's pool party.

Rebbeca Gomez: Walks in the room.

Me: Looks at Rebbeca. Why do you keep walking in my room while I'm changing into my clothes?

Rebbeca Gomez: You're so cute. By the way please put my clothes on.

Me: Okay. Whatever you say Becky bear.

Rebbeca Gomez: Becky let me do it.

Me: Why can't I do it?

Rebbeca Gomez: I love you!

Me: I love you more.

Rebbeca Gomez: No Becky I love you more.

Me: No I love you more more. See Becky I love you a lot.

Jasmine V: Y'all are so funny. Beaster loves Rebbeca Gomez more. 

Me: No I don't. In fact I hate Rebbeca Beaster Gomez. Laughs. The person I really love is Jasmine Marie Vales Villegas.

Rebbeca Gomez: You known her longer than me that's why.

Me: Yep. That's true. So why are we all in the room?

Rebbeca Gomez: Jasmine said to me she wants us to make out with you before everyone shows up for the pool party.

Jasmine V: Yeah Beaster. I want us to make out with each other.

Me: Come on Jasmine I don't want to make out with you nor Rebbeca. I'm sorry Jasmine I know y'all want to make out with me. It's just that I'm really tired so maybe later or tomorrow.

Rebbeca Gomez: No Beaster we're gonna make out with you whether you like it or not.

Me: Falls asleep.

Jasmine V: Becky wake up.

Me: Wakes up.

Rebbeca Gomez: Jas you go first.

Jasmine V: Okay. Starts making out with me.

Rebbeca Gomez: How do you feel, Beaster?

Me: Good. Now why are y'all still makiñg out with me?

Rebbeca Gomez: Jasmine's not done with you! So I suggest you stop asking questions or I will make it ten times worst.

Later That Day

At Jasmine Villegas Pool Party

Jennifer Love Hewitt: Hey Jasmine where's Becky?

Jasmine V: She's in her room.

Jennifer Love Hewitt: Goes to my room.

In My Room

Jennifer Love Hewitt: Knocks on the door.

Me: Coming. Opens the door.

Jennifer Love Hewitt: Hi Becky, this is for you.

Me: Thanks. Opens the gift. It's a baby doll.

Jennifer Love Hewitt: Do you love your gift?

Me: Yeah. Thanks again.

Jennifer Love Hewitt: Your welcome. Would you like to do me a favor?

Me: Sure. What is it?

Jennifer Love Hewitt: May you please watch my son?

Me: Yeah. Sure. Where is he?

Jennifer Love Hewitt: He's sleeping in your room.

Me: Looks at my bed. Oh that boy is your son? I thought he was Jasmine's son.

Jennifer Love Hewitt: No not him. The one that's sleeping next to him.

Me: Goes to my bed. Oh him.

Jennifer Love Hewitt: Yeah him. He really likes when you take care of him.

Me: Does he like it when Rebbeca Gomez watches him?

Jennifer Love Hewitt: Yeah but he likes it better when you take care of him.

Later That Night

Rebbeca Gomez: Beaster why are you taking care of Jennifer Love Hewitt's kid?

Me: Ms Hewitt's going on a date. So she said to me she wants me to take care of her son.

Rebbeca Gomez: Why can't I take care of her son?

Me: He doesn't like it when you take care of him.

Rebbeca Gomez: Why doesn't he like when I take care of him?

Me: I don't know. Why don't you ask him that?

Jennifer Love Hewitt: These are the shows Rebbeca and Becky G should've been in. "The cradle will rock, the walk-in, Delia's first ghost, chidren of ghosts, the collector, the prophet."

Me: I really wanted to be in Ghost Whisperer since I was 10 years old.

Rebbeca Gomez: If I was just meeting you right now I would've wanted to know you since I was a baby.

Jasmine V: I wanted to be your friend since I was 1 years old.

Me: I wanted to meet Jennifer Love Hewitt when I was 10.

During Rebbeca Gomez's Slumber Party

Rebbeca Gomez: Let's play a game.

Me: No Rebs. I'm just gonna take a nap with Tyler and Jennifer Love Hewitt's son.

Rebbeca Gomez: Okay. Looks at me then says she's actually really good at taking care of the kids. She's the best babysitter ever.

Me: Smiles.

Tyler Villegas: Mommy I love you! Could I listen to music?

Me: Sure. I love you too, sweetie.

Jasmine V: The reason why I named him Tyler is because I wanted to think he was part of ghost whisperer.

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