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A/N Thanks guys for all the reads,comments, and votes :3 can't believe you all like this story

Ashton woke up, thinking it was all a very good dream but smiled when he woke up in Luke's bed. He looked for the blonde but realized he wasn't in bed. He walked around the house but soon noticed that wasn't a good idea. The sweats were baggy and sagged, showing the hem on Ashton's panties. He wanted Luke to know but not now. He was worried Luke wouldn't like him anymore. He didn't want Luke to think he was weird.

Ashton eventually thought he left but saw he was in the kitchen at the stove. "Morning Luke." He said and smiled. "Morning Ash. Hungry? I made breakfast." He served Ashton and sat down, eating his breakfast.


He looked at Ashton and smiled. He couldn't believe he got Ashton to stay with him and he seemed so happy. Ashton looked back at Luke and smiled. The two obviously wanted each other, there was no doubt about it.

Luke walked to the couch and sat down, calling Ashton over, "Ashton come here, I need to talk to you." Ashton walked over to Luke but he grabbed Ashton' waist and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him down to sit on his lap. Ashton blushed madly and looked up at Luke. "Ashton, can I ask you something?" Luke asked. Ashton nodded slightly in reply. "You like boys, right?" Ashton looked down and felt himself start blushing more. He knew Luke probably liked boys too cause of last night but what if it was a lie just to embarrass him, but he knew Luke wasn't like that. He was sweet and caring and didn't lie to get the upper hand. "To be honest, I do." Ashton fiddled with his thumbs nervously and avoided Luke's glance. "Perfect, because honestly, I like other guys too. But more importantly, I love you." Ashton smiled and kissed Luke on the forehead. "I love you too." Luke looked at Ashton and kissed him. He gasped softly and kissed back, wrapping his arms around Luke's neck and smiling into the kiss. Luke wrapped his arms around the young boy's waist and leaned in closer, smiling back into the kiss. Luke pulled out and looked sweetly at Ashton, causing him to giggle. "Can I ask you something else Ashton?" Ashton nodded back in reply. "Would you like to go out with me?" Ashton smiled big, "I would love to."


Luke stood up and picked up Ashton bridal style with ease. Ashton giggled and kissed Luke's nose. Luke laid him on the bed in his room and laid down next to Ashton, opening his arms for him. He went into Luke's arms. Luke wrapped his arms around his waist and smiled. Ashton cuddled into Luke's chest and giggled softly. Ashton made kitty paws out of the sweat shirt Luke lent him and pawed softly at Luke's chest. Luke looked at Ashton and smiled, kissing his nose.

Without realizing, Ashton let a few words slip out, "This is much better than the roleplays." Even though he said it in a soft whisper, Luke had the ability to hear soft words coming out of Ashton's mouth. "You sat something Ash?" Luke can never know about the role-plays and why he does it, Never in a thousand years, "N-nothing, I'm good." Ashton looked down and fiddled with his thumbs "I'm sure I heard something, you don't need to be shy with me. I wouldn't tell anyone. Not soul," Ashton shook his head and bit his lip. "It's not that I don't trust you, the thing is that it's personal and I don't want anyone to know. I'm afraid you'll think I'm weird and not like me anymore." Ashton said. Luke picked up Ashton's head and looked at him. "I won't think your weird, I can promise you that." Ashton nodded and grabbed his phone, showing Luke the role-plays with his friends. "Those are role-plays I do with different friends. I role-play with my original character, which is actually me." Luke scrolled through various role-plays then looked at Ashton he hung his head down again. "Why would I think this is weird? Some of these are actually really cute and adorable." Luke said and smiled. "T-That's not the thing. S-Sometimes I picture the person I like and myself instead of the characters. I would imagine the person and I cuddling or going on a date and things like that. I do this cause I thought I would never have a chance with them. I thought they didn't even notice me, much less like me back." Ashton looked down and frowned. "And what's worse is. I imagined you." Ashton tried to leave Luke's embrace but he easily pulled Ashton back in. "You don't have to be embarrassed. I thought honestly you wouldn't like a guy like me. To find out you actually had a crush on me, I'm more than happy." Ashton smiled and kissed Luke softly. Luke kissed back and smiled within the kiss. Ashton pulled out and giggled, moving back into Luke's chest. He cuddled into Luke's chest, giggling and smiling.

After a few more minutes of cuddling, Luke got up and said. "Why not we do something today, as a couple?" Ashton smiled and nodded. "So where to then Lukey?" Ashton said and giggled. "Wherever you want Ashy." Ashton blushed and smiled, "Why not to a movie then dinner. Simple and sweet." Luke nodded and smiled. Ashton looked up to Luke and made grabby hands at him. Luke laughed and picked Ashton up. He wraps his arms around Luke's neck and his legs round his waist. "We're going to have to drop off by my house so I can change if that's ok with you." Luke put Ashton down so he could change back into is old clothes.

Once Ashton into the restroom, he laid his back against the door and smiled big. "I have him. He's mine." He smiled and started texting Calum

Ash - Guess what guess what guess what!!

Cal - you found a small enough condom for your dick

Ash - no you fucktard. Luke asked me to be his boyfriend

Cal - finally, after an eternity of hearing you two complain

Ash - Plus, we're going on a date today

Cal - smooth

Cal - change into some cute panties. He might want to take it to the next level tonight ;)

Ash - why do I deal with you

A/N Hope you all liked this chapter. Sorry it's not all that good but I'll make it up to you soon

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