Sick Day~ Tajima x Hanai

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Might be short don't have that much ideas, gomen. But Please in joy the one-shot~


Tajima POV.
'This sucks!' I thought as I was walking down the street. Hanai just had to get sick on the day we were supposed to go on a date. As i got to Hanai's house I knocked on the door, about thirty seconds later Hanai opened the door. "Whoa, you look like crap" I said patting Hanai's head while I went inside. "Thanks for stating the obvious" Hanai sniffed while closing the door heading to his room as I followed. "So how have you been?" I asked with a big grin with my eyes closed, "I'm sick what *sniffle* do you think?" My boyfriend said while getting in his bed. 'well then I just have to fix that' I thought as I looked at him. "I guess not, have you eaten anything?" I Asked not taking my eyes off of him, "no... I guess I haven't..." he answered back, opening his eyes to look at me. "Then I'll fix that! I'll go make you soup!" I said with a smile getting up to go to the kitchen. As I got there I looked for the supplies to make the soup.

Time skip ~
When the soup is done~

Tajima POV.
When the soup was ready I got a bowl and poured some in it. As I was done, I went back to Hanai's room. As I opened the room I saw Hanai asleep , he looks kawaii also kissable... what no Tajima not now!' I thought as I shook my head. I went close to the bed as I was about to lightly shake Hanai, he started to mumbled "uhmf.... Ta-... Tajima..." he mumbled with a dust of pink on his cheeks. 'is he...nah I doubt it...maybe?' I thought as I looked at him I decided to shake him. As I did he finally woke up and sat up straight. "T-Tajima?" He stumbled on saying with half and closed eyes, "yeah it's me, here I Made you soup" I said softly handing him the bowl of soup, that was now cooled down. "Thanks.." he said as he took the soup and stared to eat, as I watched him. After a while he was done he handed me back the bowl which was now empty, as I got up and went back to the kitchen to put it in the sink. When I got back to the room Hanai was back to laying down, "so how do you feel?" I asked and I pressed my hand against his forehead 'it seem he doesn't have that much of a fever now' I thought as Hanai said he was fine. As I was getting tried I decided to lay down with him, as I got in his bed I wrapped my arm around him. "W-What are you doing?" Hanai asked me as I snuggled closer to him. "I'm hugging you of course, I can't hug my boyfriend?" I replied back sniffing in his scent, "you can... you just... never mind" he said as he turned around to face me. Now we are face to face just one gap for keeping us from kissing, "hey, Hanai Can I Kiss you?" I asked him as I got a little bet closer. "W-what? N-No you'll get sic-" I cut him off by closing the gap that was in between us. As it was getting heated up, I ended up on top of him. "I don't think we had a kiss like that for awhile" I said as I gave him a quick peck on the lips, "I guess so..." Hanai said looking to the side blushing. Then I felt something poke me from my lower region 'I understand now...' "Hanai do you have a boner?" I said looking at him, "uhnm...." was all he said. "I can fix that you know" I said slipping my hand under his pants....


664 words for that story, hoped you like it~
Stay yaoi my friends ~

M. Misaki ~

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