Chapter 32 - Dwarves

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Legolas POV
I heard the spiders before I saw them. I went to confront the dwarves, and Tauriel led the rest, to kill spiders.
I swang down the thread of silky web, like it was a solid pole, skidded under a low hanging branch, and notched an arrow to my bow.
"Don't think I won't kill you, Dwarf, it would be my pleasure," I said, doing what Tauriel called my 'icy voice'.
The dwarf at the front, who I could only presume was the leader, reached for his sword hilt.
With only the slightest glance, Elves lined each side of the path and drew their bows.
"KÍLI!" Shouted a fairhaired dwarf.
I heard the sound of fighting, most likely Tauriel and decided she had it under control.
"Search them," I ordered in Elvish.
I went over to a dwarf, he had lots of small containers on him, like moneybags and wallets or purses, they were mostly empty.
"Hey, that back, it's private!" Said the dwarf angrily.
I looked down into my hand, it held a photo holder with two carefully hand drawn pictures.
"And who is this? Your brother?" I said.
"That is my wife!" The dwarf growled.
"And, who is this horrid creature? Goblin mutant?"
"That's my wee lad, Gimli," he said proudly. I just raised an eyebrow and finished searching him. Because, I was thinking about my father, he had still been ill when I left for Dol Guldur, and what if he wouldn't recover?
I forced myself to think about the matter at hand.
I was distracted by Tauriel, who I spoke with in rapid Sindarin.
"Are the spiders dead" I asked her.
"Yes, but more will come," I frowned in annoyance, but I had seen Dol Guldur, I knew the spiders weren't about to give up.
Then a Gaurd spoke, "Legolas,"
He handed me a strong sword.
"This is an Ancient Elvish blade, forged by my kin," then I spoke in the Common Tongue, "Where did you get this?"
"It was given to me," said their leader.
Disgusted, I pointed the sword towards his throat, "Not only a thief but a liar as well," then in Elvish, "take them."
As the Dwarves were jostled around, and lead away, I heard one whisper to the leader, "Thorin, where's Bilbo?"
I wondered who Bilbo was, and how much of a threat he may be,  but also, was this Thorin Oakenshield?

When we reached the gate, I took a last look around for whoever Bilbo was, before ordering the gates closed.
I watched the Dwarves being locked away, and noticed the dark haired dwarf with the least beard, possibly making him the youngest, striking a conversation with Tauriel.
When she reached me, I asked, "Why does the dwarf stare at you so, Tauriel?"
It took her a while to answer, "He's quite tall, for a dwarf," she said, which wasn't really an answer.
"But no less ugly," I said, trying to keep my voice even.
I turned on my heel and walked away. Why did she go along with that dwarfs flirtatious attitude? Would I ever be able to tell her how much I loved her?
I walked through the halls and long corridors, in search of my father.
I found him in a small room, with a pool. He wore a red gown, but what I cared about more, was his healthy face.
"I'm glad to see you healthy again," I said as a way to start the conversation.
He gave the shadow of a smile.
"You look unscathed from your trip," he said, inviting me to tell him about Dol  Guldur.
I told him everything, right up to checking the Dwarves being locked up, though I missed out the conversation with Tauriel.
We then went on to discuss the Captain of the Guard. I told my father we were on the brink of war, and whether he liked it or not, I was going to help. Also, the Guard was only for protecting the kingdom, this war probably won't be set here. Especially if that Dwarf is the Thorin not just someone named after him.
In the end we decided Tauriel would keep the position for now, but in battle on foreign ground I would lead, unless Thranduil was there, then he would lead.
"Tauriel fought well today, tell her when you see her won't you?"
Then I left, I needed to sleep. I'd travelled far today.
But as I turned, my father called after me, "Send me Thorin Oakenshield, maybe we can talk"
I smiled slightly and went to find the Dwarf.



Hey guys!
The holidays are almost NOOO!
I kinda gave up trying to write Elvish because I have no idea. (Call me a fake fan blah blah.) Obviously it's met up with the films now, still not sure how I'm going to write it, but making up as you go along seems to have worked for 33 chapters. Vote and comment and stuff.
Also I got a new phone, so I can probably update more, and write more like this.
See you mellons,
Eloise xxx

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