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It was raining outside. Like literally pouring water that could fill the Hudson River twice over. Okay that's me being dramatic.

I was tired, but I couldn't go to sleep. Not yet anyways. I was waiting for Aiden to come home.

What's taking him so long?

Just in time, I watched as a red Toyota 2014 car parked in our driveway and Aiden's dirty blond hair being the only thing that stood out. I looked at him as he ran into the house, getting slightly wet and looking at me with a small smile on his face as he shut the door behind him.

"Were you waiting for me to come home? That's kind of creepy." He mused, handing me a grocery bag that I know contained my Nutella and animal crackers. That was the only reason I was waiting up on for him.

"Shut up, I'm mad at you. It took you way too long just to go to the supermarket." I huffed out, opening up the bag to see my babies.

He rolled his eyes and brushed past me, taking the stairs two at a time up to his room, "I should get a thank you Aiden! You're a god for going out in this weather to get me the things that I want but don't necessarily need!"

I laughed, "Thanks loser! But I swear to god if you say one more thing about my Nutella and Animal crackers I'll snap your neck!" I called out after him, heading up the stairs too and towards his room.

"You're not cute." He said, raising an eyebrow as he took off his slightly wet leather jacket.

" was your date?" I asked, leaning against his door. He was out with his girlfriend before he even made a detour home to get me my things from the supermarket. Otherwise I wouldn't have sent him out for this. I was desperate but not that desperate.

I watched a smile tug on his lips, causing my cheeks to flush when he started to take off his shirt.

"Good, thanks for asking." He admitted, throwing the shirt onto the ground. He was only shirtless for about a few seconds before he put on a white fitted tee.

I don't know what I was more mad at, myself for being upset that he put on a shirt or the shirt itself for covering his chest.

"Right, well my mom said she'd be home tomorrow and that her flight delayed because of the storm." I told him before leaving his room and heading into mine, which was right across the hall from his.

My mom was an assistant of a Fashion Designer and even though she makes money, she doesn't make much where we can spend on whatever we want.

"Alright!" He shouted from his room. I can tell he still hasn't got completely comfortable yet, probably still mad at his parents for letting him stay here. I know he wanted to have his house to himself but instead he got stuck here.

It's only been three weeks with him being here, to only think he could make some conversation with me. We used to be best friends damn it.

My heart ached when I thought about it. Didn't it mean anything?

"Sarah! Have you seen my headphones? I can't find them anywhere." Aiden asked, suddenly poking his head into my room. His blue eyes darting around my neatly light pink organized room.

My furniture was all white but my walls were the cutest shade of a light pastel pink and I had cute fairy wall lights draped over the edges.

I walked over to my dresser where my perfumes and makeup were held at, picking up gray headphones and tossing it to him.

"I texted you like an hour later after I called you about the Nutella thing asking if I could borrow them since mine broke earlier today. I don't know if you got the message or not." I told him, shrugging.

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