Chapter 1: I am going to change that

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-Would you stop! Why do you always do this? Why do you act like such an asshole Dean. You always push me away.

-Why do you stay with me then?!

-Because I fucking Love you! You ass! Because for every twenty mean things you say or do one little good thing makes me forget all of it. And I fucking hate that I want to hate you but I can't. And I don't want to leave because then I'll just another person that left you and I don't want that.

-I never asked you to fall for me!

-No you didn't and that was my second mistake the first one was trusting that you wouldn't hurt me.

-What do you want me to say? Sorry?! Fine I'm sorry you fell for me.

-I don't want your petty apologies. I want to stop loving you because it only bring me pain. So don't contact me until then. Got it?

-Whatever, Jenna I never wanted this for you. Sorry I couldn't be the nice guy you deserve.

That fight happened a little over two months ago. And I cant say I'm over him but I'm damn close and now I have new boyfriend a nice guy a complete opposite of Dean. His name is Hayden and he is sweet. A gentlemen, shaggy brown hair, hazel eyes and a million watt smile that can make anyone smile.

Dean became the schools bad-boy but at least fell trough with my wish and stayed away. I never even see him in school. Which makes things a bit easier.


I miss her so damn much! I knew I was being a jerk towards her but that was to keep her safe I didn't want my father to hurt her. You see my mom died in a car crash when I was twelve and my little brother Mathew was two. Jenna knows this but doesn't know how my father blames me for her death. Also that whenever he gets a chance he hits me until I black out but lately I've been hitting back.

I've been street fighting and recently have won every fight. I began to fight when Jenna made me realize that I was acting like my father. Treating her like trash just like He did to mom. He was a jerk to her but I still knew he loved her in his own twisted way.

So I made her hate me. And now that I see her with that ass Hayden it made me think that maybe what I did wasn't the best choice. I mean she looks happy but I can see it in her eyes that she isn't.

And I'm going to change that.

-------------- Jenna

Monday such a simple word that has a couple of meanings. One is that its the first day of the week. For some a day to meet up with friends but for me it means the first of five days of pure torture.

Hayden officially asked me out last week and now we are dating. He is really sweet but I don't know... just too sweet, if that makes any sense. But I still like him and he treats me like a princes. And I'm happy so today I'll tell Dean.

---------- Dean

Getting up for school on a Monday should be a job it self. But its the only excuse I have to stay far from my father.

While I'm getting dressed Mathew burst through the door

-Mattie what did I tell you about knocking?

I say with my arms crossed on my chest

-To do it

-And did you?


Mattie shakes his head. And I roll my eyes

-So what did you want?


-Are you going to keep giving me one word answers?


He smirks, ha I thought him well.

-Mathew, let me get my shirt on then I'll take you to buy breakfast then school.


I roll my eyes again, the little shit.

I'm the one responsible for him. I don't mind. But sometimes I wish I didn't have to be like a father at seventeen years old but he's actually really easy to take care of. And fortunately dad doesn't hurt him. He tried when Mattie was five but I took Mattie's place and I don't regret taking a hit for him, hell I'd do it again in a heart beat.

After I took Mattie to his school I headed over to mine, Jefferson High or in other words hell.

As I step out of my car I see Jenna with Hayden. His arms on her shoulders looking at her while she laughs at something he said. As I keep staring the pain in my chest grows. That used to be my arm over her shoulders then I fucked it up.

But I will have her with me again and then I'll never let go.


As I sober up from the dumb joke Hayden told me about 'Don't trust atoms they make up everything.' It was so bad that the only funny thing was this expectant look on his face. I look up and meet a pair of ocean blue eyes that I loved. I look back towards Hayden,

-Hey I have to talk to someone do you mind waiting for me in front of my locker?

-Sure babe!

Ugh I hate that word, 'babe', not 'sure' obviously.
Then he kisses my head and goes inside the school. I look back to Dean and motion to him to follow me.


What is she doing? She hasn't even looked at me since the brake up and now she does this?

I follow her to the side of the school and raise an eyebrow

-So whats up?

I ask but She just looks at me and then sighs and says

-It worked.

Now I'm confused

-What worked?

-Being away from you it worked I am officially over you.

At that my heart shattered

-What do you mean?

-It means I no longer love you.

She said but her eyes betray her words they have longing in them for what we had.

-Well that's too bad.

Now she looks confused


-Because it means I'll just have to triple up my game to make you fall for me. But I don't know, my charms can make some miracles.

She ignored that last part just as I expected. See we are so used to each other its only a matter of time.

-You want me to fall for you? Why? The whole fucking reason we broke up was because I loved you and now this Shit!

I sigh ah her lovely vocabulary. This definitely did not go as I planned.

-I had a reason to act the way I did.

-Are you kidding me?! You really think that after everything that I'll go back to you? I have a boyfriend!

-Ugh I'm aware of your relation with that man-lady.

-Don't you dare! Don't you dare act jealous you have no right! And he is not a man-lady! At least he treats me right.

-Because he wants to bang you!

*smack*Um Ouch that hurt.

-Fuck you! And now if you excuse me my BOYFRIEND is waiting for me.

She leaves. Damn she hits hard. As I rub over the tender spot on my cheek I ponder what I can do to prove to her that what I said is true and how to win her back.

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